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[FilterScript] [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.08 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Printable Version

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[Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.08 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Jason_Gregory - 27.08.2009

- <cheat tool> Functions -
[font=GarondCapsDB]Hp-Regeneration - solved
Vehicle-Regeneration - solved
Airbreak - solved
Teleport - solved
Quick Connect - solved
Breakdance - solved
Hp Full - solved
Checkpoint Warp - solved
Unflip Car - solved
Quick Turn - solved
Boats can fly - solved
Cars can fly - solved
Speedhack for Boats - solved
Speedhack for Cars - solved
[size=12pt]Weater Force - solved
Mega Jump - solved
Prevent SetPlayerPos - solved
Infinite Ammo - solved
Stick to Player - solved
Armor Full - solved
Self destruct (For Cars) - solved
Allow weapons inside - solved
Spawning Vehicle - 1*
Auto Aim - 2*
Changing Gamestate - 35%
Anti Carjacking - 17%
Nos/Nitro - 91%
Speed multiplier - 23%
Self destruct (For Player onfoot) - 41%
- Miscellaneous -
Anti Command Flood - included
Anti Chat Flood - included
< Demo Panel >
How to Install ?
1. Download the Include
2. Put the into your "/Pawno/Include" Folder
3. Add #include <sbeitsux>
4. Add the folowing lines into your Gamemode

Under OnGamemodeInit - OnAntiCheatInit();
Under OnPlayerConnect - OnAntiCheatPlayerConnect(playerid);
Under OnPlayerDisconnect - OnAntiCheatPlayerrDisconnect(playerid);
Under OnPlayerKeyStateChange - OnAntiCheatPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
Under OnVehicleMod - OnAntiCheatVehicleMod(playerid,vehicleid,component id);
Under OnPlayerText - OnAntiCheatPlayerText(playerid, text[]);

#define ServerSlots 100
- Put your Server maxplayers init
#define CreateLog - 0/1 -> 0 for create no log /1 for creating a sbeitsux.log
#define BanPlayer - 0/1 -> 0 for kicking Cheater /1 for banning them
#define CommandFlood - [ Amount ] -> How much Commands per 5 Secs
#define TextFlood - [ Amount ] -> How much ClientMessage per 5 Secs
*1 - solved for Vehicles which has been entered by another player
*2 - solved but Auto Aim is also playing with Joypad

v.0.08 Downloadlink
v.0.07 Downloadlink
v. 0.04 Downloadlink

Have fun

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced sШbeit Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - lavamike - 27.08.2009

It's not spawning a vehicle, it's teleporting a vehicle

little typo

I haven't tested this but if it works fine, nice job

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced sШbeit Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - XCultz - 27.08.2009

Originally Posted by Lavamike
It's not spawning a vehicle, it's teleporting a vehicle

little typo

I haven't tested this but if it works fine, nice job
yeh i need a tester.. cuz im having errors like i cant explain the errors

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced sШbeit Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - lavamike - 27.08.2009

Originally Posted by XCultz
yeh i need a tester.. cuz im having errors like i cant explain the errors
yeah...after reading the code over, it seems like some of the stuff doesn't really make a lot of sense...and wouldn't work. It doesn't look like most of this would work but, I haven't even tested/compiled so I could be wrong.

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Jason_Gregory - 27.08.2009

Some functions was only made for v.0.07
which wasnґt included

I fixed some functions like Stick to Player which was messed (srry 4 that)

12 Bugs solved
Mega Jump - solved
Prevent SetPlayerPos - solved
Infinite Ammo - solved
Stick to Player - solved
Armor Full - solved
Self destruct (For Cars) - solved
Allow weapons inside - solved
Spawning Vehicle - solved
Auto Aim - solved
Changing Gamestate - solved
Anti Carjacking - solved
Nos/Nitro - solved
Speed multiplier - solved
Self destruct (For Player onfoot) - solved
- Miscellaneous -
Anti Command Flood - solved
Anti Chat Flood - solved


native OnAntiCheatInit();
native OnAntiCheatPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerDisconnect(playerid);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerConnect(playerid);
native OnAntiCheatVehicleMod(playerid,vehicleid,component id);
native OnAntiCheatEnterCheckpoint(playerid);
native AntiCheatLog(string[]);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerText(playerid, text[]);
native OnAntiCheatCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason);
native OnAntiCheatPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger);

New sbeithack.log System


Kicking Jason - Reason Special Dance Cheat - 27-08-2009|17:32:21
Kicking Jason - Reason Vehicle Spawn Cheat - 27-08-2009|17:36:49
Kicking Jason - Reason Health Regeneration - 27-08-2009|17:49:03
Kicking Jason - Reason Vehicle Regenertation - 27-08-2009|17:59:42

v.0.07 Downloadlink
v. 0.04 Downloadlink

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - MaTrIx4057 - 27.08.2009

Looks nice, good job!

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Chec - SanMarinoRP - 27.08.2009


C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\ : error 020: invalid symbol name ""
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\ : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\ : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\ : warning 203: symbol is never used: ""
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Jason_Gregory - 27.08.2009

Originally Posted by SanMarinoRP

C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\ : error 020: invalid symbol name ""
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\ : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\ : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\servadfssada\pawno\include\ : warning 203: symbol is never used: ""
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
Which version are u currently using ?

Looks nice, good job! Smiley

Thx a lot

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Lucas Giovanni - 27.08.2009

Link dont work, post again...

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Correlli - 27.08.2009

Originally Posted by Lucas Giovanni
Link dont work, post again...
They're just fine.

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Lucas Giovanni - 27.08.2009

but here dont work

any can post in Rapidshared?

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Jason_Gregory - 27.08.2009

They works fine 4 me but here 4 you

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Djiango - 27.08.2009

Why are you setting a array of 40 cells, and then using 51 cells in your format?
pawn Code:
x_Fastfunctionscheck[ 40 ];
format(x_Fastfunctionscheck, sizeof(x_Fastfunctionscheck), "*** <censored> Detection loaded Sucessfully v.%d ***", Version); //Version returns max 4 cells. So that's 51 cells including null.
The same in OnGameModeInit()
A 40 cell array, and using 48 cells in your format.

I saw that you have -
pawn Code:
- in your OnAntiCheatCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) callback, but never used the GetPlayerName function.

And Finally shouldn't you rename the topic, as you're releasing a include and not a filterscript.

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Lucas Giovanni - 27.08.2009

sorry but you can create as GM example?

I'm having trouble replacing the publics...

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Chec - SanMarinoRP - 27.08.2009

yeh doesnt even work for me.. make it like more less bug or work on it more man

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - James_Alex - 27.08.2009

good job

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Jason_Gregory - 28.08.2009

Originally Posted by |∞|-Рцппσĵσ-|∞|
Why are you setting a array of 40 cells, and then using 51 cells in your format?
pawn Code:
x_Fastfunctionscheck[ 40 ];
format(x_Fastfunctionscheck, sizeof(x_Fastfunctionscheck), "*** <censored> Detection loaded Sucessfully v.%d ***", Version); //Version returns max 4 cells. So that's 51 cells including null.
The same in OnGameModeInit()
A 40 cell array, and using 48 cells in your format.

I saw that you have -
pawn Code:
- in your OnAntiCheatCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) callback, but never used the GetPlayerName function.

And Finally shouldn't you rename the topic, as you're releasing a include and not a filterscript.
1. Hm...yeah cause i hate using 256/128 Cells. Sometimes it happens that i choose the wrong cell size, but thats no problem just add more cells or use 100 whatever~ its just a Console Output nothing serious
2. Thats for Version 0.08, some functions which are included will be used in the next version.


sorry but you can create as GM example?

I gonna make a Video and a example for it, gonna release it today (22:00)


good job Wink


Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Djiango - 28.08.2009

Okay thanks for the reply.
Didn't want to sound mean, just a little constructive criticism.
There're some nice things in your script, that I like. So nicely done.

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Checked - Jason_Gregory - 29.08.2009



Check your spelling, OnAntiCheatPlayerDisconnect
not OnAntiCheatPlayerrDisconnect.


Looks good,didn't check the code but I'll.


Changelog Version 0.08

[70% Dev.] .htm/.html for Controling the Panel
*Adding Bans
*Checking Ipґs for Bans
*Fixed some functions and the Server Log (string size bigger than before thx to |∞|-Рцппσĵσ-|∞| )
*Fixed the Vehicle Port Bug - see here
*Testgamemode [80%]
*Added some functions for checking the Player Airbreak Speed

Demo Panel

[img width=1024 height=591][/img]

Re: [Filterscript] Advanced <cheat tool> Detection v.0.04 *Version v4.0.4.1 Chec - SanMarinoRP - 29.08.2009

Check your spelling, OnAntiCheatPlayerDisconnect
not OnAntiCheatPlayerrDisconnect.
actually.. thats your spelling... its your script when i downlaoded it DD!