[FS/PHP]~RAdmin~ MySQL Admin Script with PHP panel ! [Alpha] [Demo panel !]

Originally Posted by [LpD
HeaTProoF ]
i have a problem then i go to server info or in admin it say No database selected
Same with mine.

then i start server i have this error and server not work

[10:22:58] Filter Scripts
[10:22:58] ---------------
[10:22:58] Loading filter script 'RAdmin.amx'...
[10:22:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[10:22:58] ++ RAdmin (R@f Admin) V0.0.1 ++
[10:22:58] ++ Last official Update : 28.02.09 ++
[10:22:58] ++ Script by Rafael 'R@f' Keramidas ++
[10:22:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql1.lpd-clan.xz.lt) (user: radmin) (database: radmin)
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[10:22:58] Access denied for user 'radmin'@'hst-130-167.telelanas.lt' (using password: YES)
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: First connecting attempt failed!
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql1.lpd-clan.xz.lt) (user: radmin) (database: radmin)
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[10:22:58] Access denied for user 'radmin'@'hst-130-167.telelanas.lt' (using password: YES)
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Second connecting attempt failed!
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: MySQL progress terminated!
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_query: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_store_result: MySQL server has gone away


im sorry for bumping a really old thread but i need a little help i am a noob so please explain the Mysql part how do i get the tables in the database everything else i understood but that

I am sorry for the now double post and for the original bump but i need help with this please

I am new here and i want to use RAdmin, all PHP files are OK(here is my panel:gta.pfs.netne.net) but when i start the server-->

[10:01:58] Server Plugins
[10:01:58] --------------
[10:01:58] Loading plugin: sampmysql.dll
/* SAMP-MySQL v0.14 Plugin loaded successfully ! */

[10:01:58]  Loaded.
[10:01:58] Loaded 1 plugins.

[10:01:58] Filter Scripts
[10:01:58] ---------------
[10:01:58]  Loading filter script 'RAdmin.amx'...
[10:01:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[10:01:58] ++ RAdmin (R@f Admin) V0.0.1    ++
[10:01:58] ++ Last official Update : 28.02.09 ++
[10:01:58] ++ Script by Rafael 'R@f' Keramidas ++
[10:01:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[10:01:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql8.000webhost.com) (user: a******7_gta) (database: a******7_radmin)
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[10:02:19] Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql8.000webhost.com' (10060)
[10:02:19] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[10:02:19] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: First connecting attempt failed!
[10:02:19] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql8.000webhost.com) (user: a******7_gta) (database: a******7_radmin)
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[10:02:40] Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql8.000webhost.com' (10060)
[10:02:40] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[10:02:40] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Second connecting attempt failed!
[10:02:40] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: MySQL progress terminated!
[10:02:40] Error in mysql_query: MySQL server has gone away
[10:02:40] Error in mysql_store_result: MySQL server has gone away
Please help me.

mfg. nagiii from Austria

edit: lol sry...in austria it is currently 11:07 am

1. Place the mysql plugins in your plugin folder and place the .pwn in your filterscripts folder. Don't forget to
place the samp_mysql include in the pawno->include folder !

i don't get it, where do i see the plugin folder? do i have to create it or something? in my server map? all the other steps i know what to do

Nice but one question, how to use md5 in password field?

Originally Posted by pziemczyk
Nice but one question, how to use md5 in password field?
you use the password that you made/registerd with. lats say you used 1234 and the md5 pass is md35135ghsajh3562345246234. you use 1234. Understand?

where can i find the plugin folder?

Plugins thread.

Reupload this pls...

Its sound good, but all download links are dead.

nice work!

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