28.02.2009, 00:05
Hi all !
here's my last FS =) It's a new Admin script (RAS was a shity one x)). This one use the MySQL plugin of ADreNaLiNe

Features and infos :
This is an Alpha version, more commands and features will comming
All are saved in the MySQL tables ! (kicks, bans, users, stats)
Only 2 includes needed, a_samp.inc et sampmysql.inc
Full PHP panel !
3 levels, moderator, administrator and server owner.
35 Admin commands + 2 user commands !
And more !
Commands :
/register [pass] [mail]
/login [pass]
Level 1:
/kick [id] [reason]
/mute [id]
/unmute [id]
/freeze [id]
/unfreeze [id]
* R@f slaps [id] around a bit with a large trout.
// [text] = Admin chat
/asay [text]
/spec [id]
/goto [id]
/gethere [id]
remweap [id]
/pinfo [id] = Player infos
/sinfo = Server infos
Level 2:
/ban [id] [reason]
/explode [id]
/akill [id]
/fly [on/off]
/crash [id]
/fuck [id]
Level 3:
/setlevel [id]
Download :
Other links !
Demo panel :
pass : demo
How to install ?
1. Place the mysql plugins in your plugin folder and place the .pwn in your filterscripts folder. Don't forget to
place the samp_mysql include in the pawno->include folder !
2. Open the script and go at the line 49-50 and change it with your idents. When it's done, compile the script.
3. Open your server.cfg. At the line filterscripts add "radmin" and add "sampmysql.dll" at the plugins line.
4. Extract all the files from PHP to your web server folder.
5. Open config.php and change the idents of the lines 6 and 13.
6. Run the web server and go on phpmyadmin. Create a new database called "RAdmin".
7. Go to the page "install.php". The first case is for the password of the admin panel.
The second case is the IP of your server for showing the stats. Third case is the port of your server. And the
last case is the text that will show at the index page.
8. All done ! Now see how to set yourself admin
How to make myself admin ?
1. Go on your server and loggin as rcon admin.
2. Write /giveadmin and it's done ! your are level 3 (Server Owner).
Updates & relases:
Credits :
Creator: R@f (_FsK_Raf)
Design: Cliss (banner by R@f)
Script things: Hamm3r (Spec Sys) and Tornado (Fly Sys)
Testing: [NSG]MisterT
People on the banner: _FsK_Spykerc8, _FsK_Samumu, _FsK_Lacuisse, _FsK_NatiVe, [XSA]Labiloute and TTG
Special thanks to: Samumu for learning me PHP, all members of GTAOnline.fr for supporting me.
If i forgot someone, send me a PM
ADreNaLiNe MySQL plugin : http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=23931.0
Report bugs if you find some !
here's my last FS =) It's a new Admin script (RAS was a shity one x)). This one use the MySQL plugin of ADreNaLiNe

Features and infos :
This is an Alpha version, more commands and features will comming

All are saved in the MySQL tables ! (kicks, bans, users, stats)
Only 2 includes needed, a_samp.inc et sampmysql.inc

Full PHP panel !
3 levels, moderator, administrator and server owner.
35 Admin commands + 2 user commands !
And more !
Commands :
/register [pass] [mail]
/login [pass]
Level 1:
/kick [id] [reason]
/mute [id]
/unmute [id]
/freeze [id]
/unfreeze [id]
* R@f slaps [id] around a bit with a large trout.
// [text] = Admin chat
/asay [text]
/spec [id]
/goto [id]
/gethere [id]
remweap [id]
/pinfo [id] = Player infos
/sinfo = Server infos
Level 2:
/ban [id] [reason]
/explode [id]
/akill [id]
/fly [on/off]
/crash [id]
/fuck [id]
Level 3:
/setlevel [id]
Download :
Other links !
Demo panel :
pass : demo
How to install ?
1. Place the mysql plugins in your plugin folder and place the .pwn in your filterscripts folder. Don't forget to
place the samp_mysql include in the pawno->include folder !
2. Open the script and go at the line 49-50 and change it with your idents. When it's done, compile the script.
3. Open your server.cfg. At the line filterscripts add "radmin" and add "sampmysql.dll" at the plugins line.
4. Extract all the files from PHP to your web server folder.
5. Open config.php and change the idents of the lines 6 and 13.
6. Run the web server and go on phpmyadmin. Create a new database called "RAdmin".
7. Go to the page "install.php". The first case is for the password of the admin panel.
The second case is the IP of your server for showing the stats. Third case is the port of your server. And the
last case is the text that will show at the index page.
8. All done ! Now see how to set yourself admin

How to make myself admin ?
1. Go on your server and loggin as rcon admin.
2. Write /giveadmin and it's done ! your are level 3 (Server Owner).
Updates & relases:
28.02.09 : Alpha relase (0.0.1) |
Creator: R@f (_FsK_Raf)
Design: Cliss (banner by R@f)
Script things: Hamm3r (Spec Sys) and Tornado (Fly Sys)
Testing: [NSG]MisterT
People on the banner: _FsK_Spykerc8, _FsK_Samumu, _FsK_Lacuisse, _FsK_NatiVe, [XSA]Labiloute and TTG
Special thanks to: Samumu for learning me PHP, all members of GTAOnline.fr for supporting me.
If i forgot someone, send me a PM

ADreNaLiNe MySQL plugin : http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=23931.0
Report bugs if you find some !
