[FilterScript] L-Admin [LethaL's Adminscript] - Reissued ; Heavily Modified/Edited

LethaL's Admin System 5.0
Last Update: September 8, 2016

LAdmin is originally released by LethaL's, It's last release were issued @ July 29, 2008 - 8 years ago... LAdmin is originally made for SA-MP 0.2x and was the best admin system to be existed at the time. However as the time goes by, the admin system itself is getting old and it's features (and code method) are getting old too. 2 years later, LuxurioN re-issued a release of LAdmin under the new name LuxAdmin - He added some stuffs but never managed to convert the whole script to ycmd, sscanf, foreach & y_ini just like he promised on the LuxAdmin thread. Up to this day, No one has still managed to re-issue LAdmin, heavily edited to sscanf2, zcmd, sscanf and SQLite. I began working on the script @ August 28, 2016 (11 days ago before this release) I know that all of you did be expecting a lot of changes & improvements on the admin system itself, I will ensure you that this admin system will be heavily changed as it gets updated! Thank you for everyone who participated on the beta-testing, if there's any? Specially thanks to Harvey, a friend of mine who assisted me on the final beta testing day for LAdmin.

Comparison From The Original LAdmin

Code Comparison


LAdmin Menu (/lmenu)


  • Compatible @ SAMP 0.3.7
  • SQLite Saving System
  • Whirlpool Password Hashing
  • Everything is scripted with zcmd and sscanf (Credits to Zeex and ******)
  • UserID system
  • 100+ administrative/player commands.
  • Report System
  • Updated Admin Include Support+ ladmin.inc
  • Immune System (Admins cannot use commands to higher admins)
  • Spectate System
  • Custom Lock Server
  • Anti-Swearing, Ping Kicker
  • and much more to discover by yourself.

Player Commands (/lcmds)
/register, /login, /report, /stats, /changepass, /getid

Admin Commands (/lacmds) - Originall /level1../level5

Level 1
/getinfo, /weaps, /vr, /repair, /ltune, /lhy, /lnos, /asay
/morning, /reports, /richlist, /miniguns, /saveplace, /gotoplace
/saveskin, /useskin, /dontuseskin, /setmytime, /ip, /lconfig
Admin Chat: # (Ex; #Hi I am Jake)

Level 2
/giveweapon, /setcolor, /burn, /spawn, /disarm, /lcar, /lbike, /jetpack
/lheli, /lboat, /lplane, /highlight, /announce(2), /screen, /flip
(/v-l-goto), /fu, /warn, /slap, /jailed, /frozen, (/un)mute, /muted
/lspec(off), /lspecvehicle, /clearchat, /lmenu, /ltele, /cm, /ltmenu, /write

Level 3
/sethealth, /setarmour, /setcash, /setscore, /setskin, /setwanted, /setname, /setweather
/settime, /setworld, /setinterior, /force, /eject, (/s)bankrupt, /ubound, /lweaps, /lammo
/countdown, /car, /carhealth, /carcolor, /setping, /setgravity, /destroycar
/teleplayer, /vget, /givecar, /gethere, /get, /kick, /explode, (/un)jail, (/un)freeze
/akill, /disablechat, /caps, /move(player), /healall, /armourall, /setallskin, /setallwanted
/setallweather, /setalltime, /setallworld, /setallscore, /setallcash, /giveallcash, /giveallweapon
/lweather, /ltime, /lweapons, /setpass

Level 4
/enable, /disable, (/r)ban, /spam, /god(car), /die, /uconfig
(/un)lockserver, /forbid(name/word), /spawnall, /disarmall
/muteall (/un)freezeall, /kickall, /slapall, /ejectall
/unmuteall, /getall, /killall,, /explodeall, /crash

Level 5
/setlevel, /reloadladmin, /gmx
  • The folder "users" inside ladmin folder (@scriptfiles) are no longer in use, All of the user's data will be saved @ user.db (You need a SQLite Database Browser in order to open it)
  • The script might still have the bugs that are present from the old LAdmin (if there's any), Report back if you have found any. As far as I know I have fixed some of the minor errors/bugs on the script itself.
  • The Admin System is not fully tested but most of the common features & commands are tested
  1. Open LAdmin 5.0.rar
  2. Extract the 4 folders, filterscripts/pawno/plugins and scriptfiles to your server files.
  3. Open server.cfg from your server files.
  4. To load LAdmin, in the line filterscripts, add "ladmin" (Without quote) so it will be look like this for example.
    filterscripts ladmin iTDe

  5. Now after loading the filterscript, we're not done yet, Go to the line plugins (if there's no line plugins add one)
  6. Add "sscanf whirlpool" or "sscanf.so whirlpool.so" for Linux users. (Without quote)
so it will look like this

Windows Users: plugins sscanf whirlpool
Linux Users: plugins sscanf.so whirlpool.so

If the plugins and includes that are used in LAdmin is outdated, update them and recompile LAdmin and the other scripts!

How To Make Yourself Admin?
  1. Connect to your server with LAdmin loaded into your server.
  2. Login to your RCON (/rcon login [your rcon password])
  3. Type /setlevel [your id] 5
How To Check For Admin Level

PHP Code:
PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] < 1)
SendClientMessage(playeridred"ERROR: You are not a high enough level admin to use this command."); // Change 1 to any value you want (level)
    //Place your script code here.
return 1;

How To Check For Admin Level On Your Script

PHP Code:
#include <ladmin> //below all of your includes
IsPlayerLAdmin(playerid) >= 1)

Opening .db Files

LAdmin uses .db files (SQLite default format for saving) compare to the original LAdmin which uses dudb (EW!), they can't be opened with Notepad or Wordpad. You need a special program to open it, for example the SQLite Browser. I used it on opening the .db files, It can be downloaded by clicking this link.

Now after you downloaded it, Follow the instructions on the picture:

After opening the SQLite Database Browser, Press CTRL + O and go to your scriptfiles where LAdmin/users.db is located at.

Click users.db and you'd see three columns in the application (Database Structure, Browse Data & Execute SQL) - Click the Browse Data and do not touch anything at ALL if you do not know what you are doing, You'd see the player's data (rows)

If you wanted to edit something like their stats (kills, admin level etc) double click the numbers and you'd see this.

If you have made any changes on the value, Click Apply Changes and save the database - Once you are done close the application.


Version 5.0
  • Script has been updated to be compatible for 0.3.7
  • Saving System has been shifted from dudb to SQLite
  • Password Hashing has been shifted from udb_hash to Whirlpool.
    so that the scripters can find the command easily.
  • Converted to; zcmd, sscanf2 (previously; dcmd & strtok)
  • /crash has been improved.
  • Removed some commands;
    (/(un)lockcar, /kill, /time, /serverinfo, /lslowmo, /ltc2../ltc13, /lp, /adminarea, /settemplevel, /laston)
    (/object, /pickup, /clearallchat, /resetstats, /ping, /richlist)
  • /level1 .. /level5 has been made into one command; /lacmds
  • The way how /repair works has been updated;
  • There are some errors on messages such as Usages and missing suffixes like "ERROR:"
    which has been fixed on this version.
  • Removal of the old style Menu replacing them with much newer dialogs (0.3+ dialogs)
  • Removed the Remoted Controlled & Tram from the /cm menu
  • Removal of Anti-Bot Check (doesn't work with today's SAMP standards)
  • Re-arranged the script, Trying to optimize it to my best own way.
  • Kick Delays has been added.
  • Removal of the Read PM feature (the fact that OnPlayerPrivMsg is extinct for a very long time)
  • /admins are now listed in dialog
  • /reports are now also listed in dialog
  • Removal of SaveWeaps from the config.ini (it has no use at all after checking LAdmin4v2)
  • Register, Login, AdminSkin, Server Lock checks OnPlayerSpawn moved to OnPlayerRequestSpawn
  • Facing Angles on /saveplace are now being saved.
  • Scripters has now the option to choose if the register/login must be done on command or on dialog
    (refer to REGISTER_COMMAND)
  • Removed some of the unused codes from LAdmin's very previous version back 8 years ago.
  • Removal of USE_STATS.
  • As far as I am concerned, LAdmin doesn't save the scores, Now it does!
  • /setpass and /changepass are now invisible from the Read Commands (NO MORE READING).
  • /setpass now creates a log (@make sure to check passchange.txt)
  • /changepass has an old password parameter now just to make sure that the player logging into that account
    is the real owner (There are some cases that an admin's account might be access by their brothers etc.. via AutoLogin)
  • Removal of the fake commands.
  • Admin Skin Only feature can be now configured @ /lmenu.
  • Improved /ubound.
  • /stats is now on Dialog.
  • /givecar has now modelid/name parameter.
  • Re-touched the messages a little bit (seeing the color blue all over LAdmin's command is just soooo...)
  • Improvements on ladmin.inc.
  • Duel System removed.
  • /setname - Now renames the Player's account if they have any.

Download links below, Press click to get directed to the file.

:: Version :::: Release Date :::: Link :::: Upload Site :::: SAMP Version :::: Progress :::: Status ::

LethaL, Jake Cipher, ******, DracoBlue, Zeex, Ranveer, Harvey, Ultraz, Ishmaaa

You may use this script on your server, You have to ask permission though if you are gonna redistribute this (Doing some modifications and editing it.)

Nice work.

Good Work Sir
But do you have a premssions from the Real Developer/Scripter to Edit + Rerelease His Ladmin ??

Originally Posted by Zorono
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But do you have a premssions from the Real Developer/Scripter to Edit + Rerelease His Ladmin ??
Do you think JaKe will forget something like that?

Originally Posted by Zorono
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Good Work Sir
But do you have a premssions from the Real Developer/Scripter to Edit + Rerelease His Ladmin ??
I have made a topic of it regarding to the take over of LAdmin at Everything and Nothing section, Check this out.

As long as I kept the original credits I will be fine, besides LethaL is long time gone off SAMP so why bother asking for permission?

What's new?

There are nothing new for now, I have made some changes and some minor error fixes, I have also re-touched the messages colors which is quite annoying if you will ask me..

Finally you made it! Ladmin one of the best admin system is improved, cheers

but you have changed only saving data ?..
anyway good work :V

Originally Posted by Younes44
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but you have changed only saving data ?..
anyway good work :V
That itself is a very big deal, because we don't have to handle thousands of files anymore.

Have my humble +rep Jake! You deserve loads of it.
Are you planning on updating it again any time soon? If so, here are 2 suggestions:
  • A tuning menu - I don't know what ltune is supposed to do. All it did for me was making my car black and adding hydraulics and NOS. If you'd like to add a menu like this, feel free to use mine.
  • When the player spawns a vehicle you should put them directly in it.
I'll come up with more, if I think of anything.

I get that Harley Quinn is hot but do you have to be a crazy fan girl/boy lol?
The edit is really good, well done Harley!

Originally Posted by JaKe Elite
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There is a problem though that avoids me from using MySQL, I am using Windows XP which is very old and not compatible on today's plugins ; I have few reasons why I am still using XP and don't even ask why the hell am I using it... (Latest version of MySQL doesn't run well on my PC however the older version runs smoothly)
Originally Posted by Sreyas
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dual boot....
Or use virtual machine even better.

     Connect to your server with LAdmin loaded into your server.
    Login to your RCON (/rcon login [your rcon password])
    Type /setlevel [your level] 5
a typo in /setlevel [your level] should be [your id] :P
Nice release , I know you've worked hard on this one

Thank you so much for the compliments guys!

@KeithCooper; Cos Harley Quinn is baee, shee mah girl chu know. So fuck em Joker

@Wizzard2H; Fixed

Thank you so much @Dwayne Michael.

BTW about the MySQL thingy, what the hell is dual boot and virtual machine?

@ JakAdmin will be now released today!

Originally Posted by JaKe Elite
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Thank you so much @Dwayne Michael.

BTW about the MySQL thingy, what the hell is dual boot and virtual machine?

@ JakAdmin will be now released today!
Just download XAMPP for Windows, start the MySQL and Apache server. Open your browser and go to "localhost/phpmyadmin", there you can access the database manager. The details to connect to the database is username "root" and password "" (blank, no password), database is the one you will create with phpMyAdmin.

Do I really have to use the Threaded Version of MySQL? The threaded version isn't supported atm on my PC.

Originally Posted by JaKe Elite
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BTW about the MySQL thingy, what the hell is dual boot and virtual machine?
As you said, that you have windows XP and it does not support mysql then you can:

1)Dual Boot(not recommend) - Installing 2 windows on same machine
2)Virtual Box/Virtual Machine : Installing a window without boot, I mean installing it with a software and you can adjust the resources andv no need to use it with boot, just open the software and select the virtual machine.

You could use SQLite, or just connect to a database set up with cPanel if you have web hosting.

Gonna try this in-game

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