Taking over on someone's work

For what clients? Don't you guys know use Terminal if using Mac/Linux or use the Git Terminal https://git-scm.com on Windows?

Once you learn the commands you don't need anything else.

If you guys want, spend 9$ on Laracasts and learn about Git and other good stuff. (It's possible to download all videos)

EDIT: nvm, irrelevant to the topic.


I like the idea, now I have my server freeroam that uses LAdmin system in the gamemode, but outdated and obsolete system that is DINI for saving data, and I would change it to SQLite.

Sorry for my bad english.

@Revelation - Thank you for supporting the project, I won't fail you I promised. The system itself comes up with Whirlpool and a User Key Increment (#1.. #2...)

@ On - Topic ;

The script itself is almost finished, I just have to re-work on the AKA System & /setpass, /changepass part. If you think you wanted to change something in LAdmin or remove, update it (making /level's in dialog blah-blah-blah), Please hit me up on Private Message!


Comparison between the Original LAdmin's coding & my coding ;

* Tried my best to optimize the script in my best own way, Feedback would be appreciated if you think I need to optimize the code more.

* Removed the LoggedIn checks due to the fact that the values of Level is resetted to zero upon OnPlayerConnect, soooo ....

Looks good!

Some suggestions -

1)Add a command for offline banning.

2)Add a command for getip from name.

Lemme explain, if you do /getipn [Name here], like /getipn Jake, it will get you Jake's IP.

3)Add a command for temp ban. [I don't think LAdmin has temp ban, right?]

4)Add crash command [crashes a player]

5)Add a command to spawn cars[I mean like, if there is a custom event, we can spawn around 4-5 cars for other players, instead of /givecar]

Thank You man for updating this Ladmin.

Testings for LAdmin & JakAdmin has began!

Refrain to my signature for the server IP; The first script that will be tested is LAdmin then JakAdmin (JakAdmin still needs to be re-touched for the 4th Anniversary Release)

Originally Posted by markparker12
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Some suggestions -

1)Add a command for offline banning.

2)Add a command for getip from name.

Lemme explain, if you do /getipn [Name here], like /getipn Jake, it will get you Jake's IP.

3)Add a command for temp ban. [I don't think LAdmin has temp ban, right?]

4)Add crash command [crashes a player]

5)Add a command to spawn cars[I mean like, if there is a custom event, we can spawn around 4-5 cars for other players, instead of /givecar]

Thank You man for updating this Ladmin.
1.) Sure do, Re-vamping the ban system now.
2.) Erm there is /ip from the original LAdmin?
3.) I don't know about this one, might get implemented or not - Stay tuned.
4.) Will do, restricted for level 4+
5.) /car does that, IF, you are a RCON Admin.

Server has expired, A new IP has been setted up, please refrain to the signature below if you wanted to join.

5 days to go for LAdmin's re-release.

Goodluck Jake.

Originally Posted by JaKe Elite
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Server has expired, A new IP has been setted up, please refrain to the signature below if you wanted to join.

5 days to go for LAdmin's re-release.
I have a question, Currently I have a command that lets you change the name of the player's account, how it would be being implemented in SQLite & SSCANF?

My code:

PHP код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] >= && PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] <= 91) return SendClientMessage(playeridRed"ERROR: Disable command for low level admins!"),SendClientMessage(playeridRed"* If you want change your name, you say with owner of server.");
PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 1)
NoName[playerid] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playeridRed"* Usage: /changename [new name]");
                if (
strlen(params) < || strlen(params) > 20)
SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"ERROR: The name must be between 3 and 20 characters");
SendClientMessage(playeridRed"* The name have invalid characters.");
name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128], sname[150];
SendClientMessage(playeridRed"This name already exists, choose another");
format(string,sizeof(string),"* %s (ID: %d) was changed the name to: \"%s\" .",name,playerid,params);
format(sname,sizeof(sname),"* %s (ID: %d) was changed the name to: \"%s\" .",name,playerid,params);
year,month,day;    getdate(yearmonthday);
format(wea,sizeof(wea),"{FFFFFF}        Hi %s!, You changed your nick!\
                \n\n{FFFFFF}Your old nick is: %s\
                   \n{FFFFFF}Your new nick is: %s\
                \n{FFFFFF}Date: %i/%i/%i Time: %i:%i :%i\
                \n\n{FFFFFF}Remember that when you leave the server and then re-enter\
                \n{FFFFFF}you must put your new nick %s in your SA-MP to re-enter your new nick\
                \n\n{FFFFFF}We recommend you take a picture by pressing F8 so do not waste your nick."
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid8000DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"You've changed your nickname!"wea"OK""");
NoName[playerid] = 0;
        else return 
SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"* You can only use this command once.");
    else return 
SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"* You need 20 score for change your name.");
    else return 
SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"* You need to log (/login) To use this command");

Or is it possible that you can create a similar command in the new LAdmin to change the name of the player's account? Please.

I have already done it sooo yaa, just wait for the LAdmin - am so excited, Yays!

Whenever this version of Ladmin gets released, i am gonna upgrade my script!.

EDIT: some suggestions...
  1. Add temporary VIP system
  2. Add temporary admin level
  3. Add a ban list command that would be cool.
  4. .. (I will +rep you) .. Please make these features ..
  5. Add a new spectating system, if possible
  6. Add some help-notes or help-comments in script or in topic, so ppl can edit the script with ease

Will add these for later LAdmin version.

@ LAdmin is released, imo. Check my signature

Well, I admit, you have made it a LOT better. Still got a little bit to go though.

As long as you don't make as many typos or spelling errors that LuxAdmin had... I'm fine with it. If you need help, feel free to message me.

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