15.06.2016, 11:32
Последний раз редактировалось MBilal; 16.06.2016 в 18:07.
Причина: Updated to version 1.1
Advance Robbing System Creater InGame.
Hello Everyone,
I created new filterscript to help those who want to create Robbing System for there server. I created robbing system filterscript well you can make robing point in game with actor inside it.When some budy trying to rob that checkpoint first he need to have any weapon.
when you enter checkpoint handsup anim appy on security officer and if you fail and leave that checkpoint or completed rob that shop anim on the security guard will be removed. when you rob the shop successfully you will get random cash also the anim from you and from the security guard in shop will be removed.
Version 1.0
Version 1.1 Credits
Hello Everyone,
I created new filterscript to help those who want to create Robbing System for there server. I created robbing system filterscript well you can make robing point in game with actor inside it.When some budy trying to rob that checkpoint first he need to have any weapon.
when you enter checkpoint handsup anim appy on security officer and if you fail and leave that checkpoint or completed rob that shop anim on the security guard will be removed. when you rob the shop successfully you will get random cash also the anim from you and from the security guard in shop will be removed.
- Creating Robbing Unlimited Robbing Point In Game.
- Actors created in each robbing point.
- You need any weapon to rob any shop.
- Already robbed shop will be available after 25 minutes.
- Cancel rob cmd added.
- Different shops Actors can have different skin.
- Different shops can have different rob able amount between 1000 and 15000.
- Added Label on each actor of each shops.
- You can add rob point in any interior.
- Download filterscript from any given link below.
- Put RobSystem.amx and RobSystem.amx in your filterscript folder.
- Open your server.cfg file write RobSystem in front of filterscript then save it.
- Open scriptfiles folder and create RobSystem folder in it.
- Logged in as rcon admin.
- For Version 1.0 use /crobcp [Shop Name] .
- For Version 1.1 use /crobcp [Shop Name] [Actor skin] [Robbed Cash].
Version 1.0
Version 1.1 Credits
- foreach
- zcmd
- sscanf2
- YSI\y_ini
- streamer