Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

My friend and I are looking for somebody who can host our server! It's a roleplay one, and, we have everything ready:
  • Database
  • Forums
  • Script
  • Teamspeak
The person will get an admin position in the server! Add us on skype: adin.bradic1 and faresmohsen2011 / Frank, or pm me on forums!

Hi guys my name is Hardik Singh I am from India I am a mapper
I am looking for some people to start a community with
I have 1guy in my community till now he is a scripter
I will pay all the expenses and I will pay u guys after the server starts and we earn money

I can help someone if you want. I can script well and I can help you with some systems, if interested.

Looking for someone who can help fund our role play community. We have forums good script and ts3 but we need little funding like .com. Obviously highest admin level will be given. Also need medium level scripters to make a back pack system. Ingame admin will be given. Add me on Skype for more info>>zubair.ciptoni

I am looking for a Java developer to ask him about my doubts I have, like OOP design, inheritance, lambda expressions, connection pools, Linux file permissions, how to install maven 3rd party libraries that are not in the maven repo, etc. I have basic knowledge of Java, Linux, C++ and SQL and I have been scripting with pawn for 3 years so I guess I am not a noob in programming.
Send me a message to more details and payment agreement

I just launched a RPG server and I'm looking for some beta testers who can script. (Get REWARD IG)
For more PM me in skype - klevis.simel or join this website

The grand community is looking for profound experts in the following functionalities:
  • Mappers
  • Server Administration
  • Media & Graphics Wing
  • IRC Administration Wing
Interested ones please contact us here.

Looking for one or two payed scripters, that's willing to open a brand new community with everything paid.

Citylife Roleplay
Hello, I'm the owner of CityLife RP. CL:RP is a new RP server but I have had plenty of experience in server management in the past. I'm currently looking for:


Do you think you'd be a good person? Come hit me up via PM! or skype me Stu99art

Looking for a developer?


looking for someones help in creating a /salary command

I’m offering scripting services for very cheap prices! I can code filterscripts and gamemodes for any type of server.

Over my 3-4 years of coding PAWN, I’ve made numerous Freeroam servers, DM servers, race systems, house systems, admin systems, goldpot systems and loads more.

PM me!

we'd need mappers for our brand new freeroam server which will be in hosted tab as well as customized website mysql based dynamic system if you're up to mapping for a new freeroam / stunt server join us.

Skype : saitama.69

Looking for potential administratiors for a new RP server

Looking for experienced server mappers, must be able to map CnR maps in San Fierro.

PM me for more info.

Advance Gaming Roleplay
Hello everyone,

Our server (AG:RP) are looking for experienced administrators, who are available to do their duties well, If you want to become an administrator for Advance Gaming Roleplay, you have to follow the required Requirements and Application system.

  • Must be mature and fifteen plus.
  • Must speak a Fluent English.
  • Must be experienced and don't rage like kiddos.
  • Must be active and able to communicate with the other staffs in the Teamspeak3 server.
In order to apply for an administration position at Advance Gaming Roleplay, Add "shady.amr.ibrahim.abbas" in the Skype for interview.

I'm offering paid services. $1 or even less per stuffs. PM me for more information.

Originally Posted by Karan007
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I'm offering paid services. $1 or even less per stuffs. PM me for more information.
Karan I will pay u can u make a aviation Gm for me

Let me start this of by saying that at the moment I am only looking for estimated prices and an estimate on how long it will take to develope.

Basically I will be needing a gamemode which involves all forms of transportation, houses, vehicles, banks, businesses, trucking companies and airlines. Some of the classes that I will be wanting included in this are Pilot, SA Air Force, Bus Driver, Taxi Driver, Courier, Trucker, Police, Boat Pilot, Road Worker, Repairman and a few other might be added at a later date.
Data should be stored in a database accesable by both the server and website.

A brief description of each job.
Pilot: Flys passengers from point A to point B. /work Selects random route.
SA Air Force: Flys from point A to point B or air drops. /work Selects random route.
Bus Divers: Drives passengers from point A to point B. /work Selects random route.
Courier: Picks up parcels from warehouse and delivers them to houses within a certain radius. /work Brings up a menu to select either 5 or 10 parcels.
Trucker: Picks up load from loading point and delivers it. /work Brings up menu to select Load, Point A and Point B (Players can only select the same route once every 15 minutes.)
Police: Persue and fine people who break the law. Checkpoints on the map leading to the targets.
Boat Pilot: Takes people from port to port. /work Selects random route.
Road Worker: Repairs broken speed cameras. /work Selects random speed camera.
Repairman: Repairs and Refuels vehicles in need to a price. Vehicles in trouble appear as a checkpoint on your map.
Taxi Driver: Player uses /taxi which marks him on the drivers minimap once picked up the player puts a checkpoint on their map, the player then pays the fee according to the distance. The checkpoint then comes up on the drivers map and he drives there. (Not sure if all features is possible.)

Registration System
When a user first connects to the server you will be prompt to set a password once done the rules will pop up, once accepted a small 5 question quiz will come up. You must get atleast 4/5 to pass if you don't you will be kicked if you get any questions wrong it will show you the correct answers.
There will be a list of questions and answers and each time a first timer connects it will choose 5 random questions.

Housing System
Houses can be created on command by a Superadmin, they have a fixed interior, price and car slots.
Once inside house you should be able to open and close it to the public, set a password or only allow certain people to enter.
Houses that have not been visited for 2 weeks will be deleted for a 50% refund on the houses initial value.
Houses can be sold for a set price by the owner though it must not exceed 300% of its initial value.

Vehicle System
Vehicles can be bought from shops around the map, you can only buy a vehicle if you have enough slots. All vehicles should be available except for remote control cars, police cars and a few specially selected limited edition cars.
Vehicles should be locked to the owner and anyone who have keys to the car which can be given on command by the owner. Vehicles can be parked so they always respawn at the same spot.
Vehicles should be deleted for a 50% refund of its initial value if it hasn't been visited for a month or you have had no car slots for 2 weeks.
Vehicles can be sold for a set price by the owner though it must not exceed 200% of its initial value.
Cars and Bikes can be rented for a day for 10% of its price no other vehicles can be rented.

Admin System
Ranks should include Superadmin, Head Admin, Admin and Moderator. Superadmins can promote members to any rank and Head Admins can only promote to Moderator.
Admins should be able to Ban, Kick, Mute, Goto, God, Explode, Kill, Respawn, Heal, Jail, Unjail, Slap, Freeze, Unfreeze and Bring using OnPlayerClickPlayer.
Players should be able to Ignore/Hide people messages by using OnPlayerClickPlayer aswell. SuperAdmins can gift players houses and vehicles.
Many other commands should be included though they are just the basic ones.

VIP System
VIP will cost $5 and will be payed via the website.
/vipmenu will bring up a menu for VIP's and display a message on how to become a VIP to non VIP members.
The menu will include Skin Change, Animations, Teleport, God, Weather Settings,

Airline System
SuperAdmins will create Airlines on command and assign owners to them the command should look something like this /createairline (NAME) (OWNER ID).
All airlines will start off with 10 slots and extra slots will be sold at 5 for 10mil with a maximum of 100 slots.
Players will be able to view a list of airlines, airline members, amount of slots, vehicles and money. Airline ranks will be Founder, Owner, Manager, Staff, Trainee.
Trainee pilots will be promoted to Staff once they have completed 50 flights for the airline. Founders and Owners can set the payrate for each rank.
Airlines can purchase any planes for the normal amount and baggage handlers by founders and owners. Managers and upwards can accept or declide applications.
Airline colors can be changed by owners and founders, when the airline's color is changed this will apply for the entire fleet.
The Founder of the airline should have the option to merge with another airline if both airline accept the merge. In the event of a merge the new founders will have 2 weeks to sell planes which exceed their slot limit. Any extra slots at the end of the merge will be refunded to the airline founders.
Airline chat will be available by using the * button infront of any messages. No more than 20 airline can be created.
Airline owners can set a Message of the Day which is shown to members on connection.

Trucking Companies will follow the same principals as above exept for purchaseable vehicles will be different.

Jail System
When a player is wanted by the police a checkpoint appears on the officer's map. He then persues the player, once you are within a certain distance from the car you press Ctrl and it warns the other player.
If the player refuses to stop within 30 seconds he receives 2 more stars and will be automaticaly jailed. Once the driver pulls over the officer right clicks to fine or arrest the player.
If the player is arrested he will be teleported to the local jail for 300 seconds. If fined you must pay $1500 per star, the officer then receives half of the earnings.

Name Changing
A player is allowed 1 name change a month, to change your name you simply type /setname (Your Name). If you have already changed your name in the past month a message will come up telling you how long you need to wait until you can change it again.
The request will then be sent to an admin for approval, if accepted it will notify the whole server in chat of your name change.

Messaging System
All players will be able to use /messages to read and send messages. Once the command is type it will open up a dialogue with their current inbox, contacts and a button to send a new one.
Players can add contacts to their contacts list by adding their ID, you can directly message your contacts.
When using the send button you enter the recipients ID Header, Line 1 and Line 2 and there is an option to include money in the message.
Admins can send a mass message to everyone that has played the server. When a house or vehicle is deleted a message will be sent to the owner which will include the money refunded.

Air Traffic Control
When a user types /atc it will come up with your nearby airports. Select the airport then select Takeoff or Landing, once selected choose your runway and wait for clearance.
Using /land and /takeoff automatically chooses the closest airport and all you need to do is choose a runway.

Plane Displays
When you enter a plane as the pilot the following displays should be shown.
Speed in Kms, Closest Airport, Altitude in Ft, Fuel Left and Health.
When you start a job the closest airport should be removed and replaced with the destination and distance to the destination.

Car Displays
When in a car as a driver the following displays should be shown.
Speed in Kms, reigon, health and fuel.
When you are in a job it should replace reigon with desination and distance.

In Game Stats
When a player types /mystats a dialogue should pop up which includes your total playing time, distance traveled, total points, total jobs and the amount of jons that has been completed for each class.

Custom Airports
I am aware that I might have to hire a seperate person to do the mapping though I will include this anyway.
To start off I wish to have 3 custom airports mapped, these airports should be at Prickle Pine, Fort Carson and Palomino Creek.
2 Aircraft carriers should be placed off the coast of Los Santos and Las Venturas, if there is not one there I would like to turn Area 69 into an Airforce base with hangars and runways.

Public Planes
I would like Shamals, Beagles, Nevadas, Helicopters and AT-400's located at all major airports. Shamal and AT-400 should be at the gates and all other located around in the hangars.
Shamals, Beagles, Dodos and Helicopters should be added to the smaller airports like Fort Carson, Palomino Creek and Prickle Pine. Hydras, Hunters and Rustlers should be at Area 69 and the Aircraft Carriers.

Basic online admin panel which includes Ban and Unban.
Global ban list, house list, player specs, airline and company specs, player rankings and so on.
Donation system which once received donation will update the database and automatically give the user VIP. (Paypal)
House list will only show houses for sale, location and possibly a map with the house marked off with the house icon.

I would like a script where u can type /radio and it will play the servers shoutcast server. You could use https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=82162 to achieve this.

Some third party scripts will be allowed though I want most of the features to be original.
Please be aware that this is only the first plan and things can be changed around at any notice. I will do my best to fully co-operate with whoever takes up this project.
What I Will Provide
-A server for you to work on.
-Webhosting with MySQL.
-Anything else within reason can be arranged.

First Gaming Roleplay Looking for PHP Developer

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