Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

Xpire Gaming Presents a San Franisco based roleplay with alot of features and alot of rp experiences.

The point is that i am looking for active players, donators, mappers and experienced administrators.

Please, do not personal message me to add you in skype. I will never use skype again for safety reasons. If you want to be in SF-RP Team you have to personal message me here.

[Personal Message Me]

P.S: I am not hiring any scripter yet because me and my cousin got knowledge in scripting and we dont need any help at all. If we need we will announce it.


Alex Magana (AlexM)

Looking for someone who can help me with my MYSQL error
Will be given admin position on my RP server
Thanks in advance

Looking for someone's to create a new HEAVY Roleplay server I have a dedicated server and a webhost ready PM me if interested.

I'm looking to start a CNR server - in need of help from a PAWN scripter. I will be paying for server costs etc, if anyone is interested hit me up on skype - x3hosts

I'm looking for a coder who can fix a MySQL error and some minor bugs.
I also need everything moved from LS to a new area. I will provide payment for the job, after the job is completed.
More information will be givin in private.

Looking for experienced scripter who is able to edit or create his own stuff - He'll receive an IG reward and if his job is good enough and he keep working with us, he might receive some cash in paypal or something.

Originally Posted by Tasous
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Looking for experienced scripter who is able to edit or create his own stuff - He'll receive an IG reward and if his job is good enough and he keep working with us, he might receive some cash in paypal or something.
Word to that. I've got my hands on a custom script edit if you're down.

I need a filterscript that plays music for a tutorial; any takers? PM me! It's easy but I can't be fucked._.

Originally Posted by Cookland
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I need a filterscript that plays music for a tutorial; any takers? PM me! It's easy but I can't be fucked._.
Just search for urls and use: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/PlayAudioStreamForPlayer

Kush Gaming is looking for a seriouse developer, for a long-term by contract, offering Admin Position and maybe a Payment if you're really good!
Contact Infos:
jamie@kushgaming.net |E-Mail|
PM Me on the SA:MP Forums !

Looking for a web template designer.Will be paid for your services.PM me if your interested.

Giving you the Following Services

1.Web Designing/Devoloping

2.Managing Board,Membergroups & Info of boards

3.Managing Staff & Designing Staff Lists too (If Needed)

4.Mapping also (If needed)

5.Adding website (if needed )
PM me if you want your web to be Devoloped

If you're having a non unique cod server and looking for a good scripter then you can PM me, I have a 5 years experience in scripting COD servers and I will help you get a stable database in one month, Hosted Tab is required of course.
Releases: WarZ gamemode - various filterscripts and tutorials - Unique zone capture system with an ability to capture zones with teammates (+1 member capture) that will decrease the capture time.
I'll be working for free.

Hello! I'm currently looking for people, who would like to become Administrator/Tester/Mapper on my new server. The server is based on a Zombie TDM mod and It's online, but passworded. So if you're interested, let me know by send a private message here in SA-MP forums.

  • Active. (Must be active as possible in the game and on community forum.)
  • Mature. (Not acting like a retarded kid, who rages alot.)
  • Experience and knowledge of being Administrator from similar gamemodes.
  • Experience and knowledge of managing SMF forum. (Will be considered as a bonus.)
  • Knowledge of English language. (Must fluently speak in English and must be understandable writing.)
Further, I'll provide you the link of the server's community forum and the server's password.

Thanks for reading and I hope you will join me.

Looking for a unique gamemode [NOT STUNT] that can get stable player base
What am I offering?
Host tab community [Yes]
VPS protected [Yes]
VPS forums [Under development]
VPS TS3 [Yes]
Admin rank [Yes ofcourse]

Add me on the skype , Michael.jones5071
Waiting for ya


I'm looking for a web designer/graphic for a "gta 5 project", contact me on my skype: Airdrone

I'm currently looking for the following members in my server:-

2 - Beta Testers
2 - Bug Testers

If you guys are interested, private message me with this format below.


1. Not admin in any other servers.
2. Speak english fluently.
3. Be active.
4. Have a skype account.

Your name:
Any adminstration experience: 
Skype ID:
P:S: It's a COD server. [solely scripted by me (unique)]

Atlantis Roleplay
Atlantis Roleplay is a brand new grimy/elitist friendly role-play server. The server is currently a english version of the well known Italian, Atlantis City Roleplay and is currently in the works. The server is in need of staff members, faction leaders, and general assistance. If you feel the need you fit the criteria to assist in the making of this server contact me on Skype via (warrior.arp)

Request a professional scripting

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