y_hooks explanation

May I ask for an explanation? What does it do? What can it help me with?

........ from https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=392061

Hooking means to add something on a particular thing. Here, we refer it to adding something too on a callback or function. For example, function 'SetPlayerScore' sets the player's score. But if we are using a server sided score system, the 'SetPlayerScore' won't set it. So, we've gotta set that server sided score too by setting variables.


If you want to actually learn what hooks are and how to use them, read the replies in a topic I made earlier: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=531197

y_hooks simplifies hooking, only needing you to do this:
pawn Код:
hook function(playerid)
// something
A normal hook (ALS method 7) would look like this:

pawn Код:
public function(playerid)
    #if defined something_function
        return something_function(playerid);
        return true;

#if defined _ALS_function
    #undef function
    #define _ALS_function
#define function something_function
#if defined something_function
    forward something_function(playerid);
The only requirement is that you include y_hooks in every file you use hooks in, because y_hooks generates unique function names.

Source: http://ysi.wikia.com/wiki/Library:YSI%5Cy_hooks

It may not be up for long though as ****** left SA-MP today and binned all of his content.

EDIT: Please read what Southclaw wrote, as it covers a lot I didn't. I personally never used y_hooks so I can't give a lot of info.

Originally Posted by Southclaw
Public functions and regular functions can be hooked and they require different methods. The two primary methods of hooking are: ALS and y_hooks (only works on publics).

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