Custom Vehicles.

Hai there. So i got a quick question. I found a way how to add cars into GTA SA SinglePlayer withouth replacing car model as mod, but adding it with its own ID and everything. So i was wondering if there is any possibilty to add cars in SAMP like that aswell or is there certain limit or cars?

Well it is possible and its not possible at the same time...Yes samp team could add vehicles just like they add objects. But than there is a problem (and i bet with your method to). Vehicles in SA are "limited", they are actually using same array (or whatever it is) as objects.

563 is elegy, its a vehicle and object can not use that id
18000 is object and vehicle can not use it

Of course if you dont remove first object/vehicle using given ID and replace it with what you want.

I dont know for sure what is last vehicle id in SA/SAMP but for sake of argument lets say its 612.
Next id would be 613 (and a logical one to be used for vehicle) but its already taken by some object (maybe a weapon, or particle effect like smoke from tires...I dont know what object it is, just giving examples). To free that slot/id you need to remove object using that given slot/id. And by the way, same thing is for skins...

This isn't possible in SA:MP (and will never be). The technical reason is because the vehicles.dat file is locked to the original version (can't be modified, like the handling files) and it's pretty much hard-coded for the existing amount of vehicles.

And, don't forget SA:MP isn't about making a new game (as it has been discussed dozens of times before), it is a mod to add multiplayer support to San Andreas. That's it!

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