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Custom Vehicles. - GreenSt4lker - 10.03.2015

Hai there. So i got a quick question. I found a way how to add cars into GTA SA SinglePlayer withouth replacing car model as mod, but adding it with its own ID and everything. So i was wondering if there is any possibilty to add cars in SAMP like that aswell or is there certain limit or cars?

Re: Custom Vehicles. - DRIFT_HUNTER - 10.03.2015

Well it is possible and its not possible at the same time...Yes samp team could add vehicles just like they add objects. But than there is a problem (and i bet with your method to). Vehicles in SA are "limited", they are actually using same array (or whatever it is) as objects.

563 is elegy, its a vehicle and object can not use that id
18000 is object and vehicle can not use it

Of course if you dont remove first object/vehicle using given ID and replace it with what you want.

I dont know for sure what is last vehicle id in SA/SAMP but for sake of argument lets say its 612.
Next id would be 613 (and a logical one to be used for vehicle) but its already taken by some object (maybe a weapon, or particle effect like smoke from tires...I dont know what object it is, just giving examples). To free that slot/id you need to remove object using that given slot/id. And by the way, same thing is for skins...

Respuesta: Custom Vehicles. - admantis - 12.03.2015

This isn't possible in SA:MP (and will never be). The technical reason is because the vehicles.dat file is locked to the original version (can't be modified, like the handling files) and it's pretty much hard-coded for the existing amount of vehicles.

And, don't forget SA:MP isn't about making a new game (as it has been discussed dozens of times before), it is a mod to add multiplayer support to San Andreas. That's it!