Object Suggestions

Originally Posted by Kane_Phoenix
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if you need it pm.
I like it.

And why were my posts regarding this removed?

After all, it was suggested about third party apps, from servers such as the old GamerX downloader, that work perfectly fine.

And isn't this actually in the wrong section in the first place?

Just because someone reports posts, doesn't mean those posts don't have contribution... Just because someone can't handle what's said, makes out that no-one else should post, and ends up simply only wanting to hear themselves and others who agree with them, doesn't mean the admins should be deleting posts regarding the actual topic.

Some of my new Objects, pls add some like this

EDIT (new road texture):

Ingame Size: 20x20M

Radiation sign


I suggested SetObjectIndestructibility but I doubt it will be added. So I am requesting a non-breakable replica of this gate:

ID: 3036
Model: ct_gatexr
Texture: ctgtxx

Here is the gate positioned where it is used in single player. Unfortunately when the same object is used with CreateObject it is breakable:

Coordinates from main.scm: -2179.353, 661.232, 50.214

Window panes in various sizes would be a nice addition, using a window texture on wall objects etc results in vehicles and custom objects not displaying.

I suggested SetObjectIndestructibility but I doubt it will be added. So I am requesting a non-breakable replica of this door:

ID: 2947
Model: cr_door_01
Texture: sw_doors

Here is the door positioned where it is used in single player. Unfortunately when the same object is used with CreateObject it is breakable:

Coordinates from main.scm: 2316.233, 0.712, 25.742

Originally Posted by BeckzyBoi
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I am requesting a non-breakable replica of this door:

ID: 2947
Model: cr_door_01
Texture: sw_doors

Unfortunately when the same object is used with CreateObject it is breakable.
Matite is not going to add every door you request just because you want a flag changed. You can easily just use the texture of that door on another solid door object.

Originally Posted by Crayder
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Matite is not going to add every door you request just because you want a flag changed. You can easily just use the texture of that door on another solid door object.
It's a suggestions topic?

Originally Posted by Arastair
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More sex objects, new dildo types, i dont even know

Habbo Gold Bars!


Originally Posted by KyleSmith
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Habbo Gold Bars!

HAHAHAHAHAH epic, but i think they will not copy the habbo bars one xD hahaah

Originally Posted by KyleSmith
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Habbo Gold Bars!

Ha! That's a blast from the past. Reminded me of my Habbo era in 2008.

Has anyone tried to attach the police badges (link) to skins? It's pretty difficult since they're flat.
Could someone share a pic of his result? It would be ispirational

Bowling Pins !!! Big an small !

Originally Posted by Patrik356b
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SetObjectMaterial ?
No, SetObjectMaterial is not an option. Why do you think Matite made 4 new doors just for that house in particular? Because there are no doors that fit the doorway. I suggested a breakable one because no breakable door will fit in the doorway. I suggested wood as the default texture because it would be more realistic to shatter a wooden door.

Originally Posted by Crayder
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No, SetObjectMaterial is not an option. Why do you think Matite made 4 new doors just for that house in particular? Because there are no doors that fit the doorway. I suggested a breakable one because no breakable door will fit in the doorway. I suggested wood as the default texture because it would be more realistic to shatter a wooden door.
The point of my post was rather towards limiting the amount of doors with whatever size they are. Afaik those wall objects could have been rearranged to save a handful of slots but it's gonna be a hassle for scripters/mappers etc. hence it's unlikely to happen

Originally Posted by Crayder
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No, SetObjectMaterial is not an option. Why do you think Matite made 4 new doors just for that house in particular? Because there are no doors that fit the doorway. I suggested a breakable one because no breakable door will fit in the doorway. I suggested wood as the default texture because it would be more realistic to shatter a wooden door.
The reason I added the extra doors is because some people do not use the SetObjectMaterial function.

The doorways in the new MI house are actually designed to work with the existing GTASA dynamic doors that open when you push on them (for example ID 1502).

As for breakable items I do not think we will be adding them as they need to be added to the object.dat file which would then need to be locked. This would obviously be a problem for modders.


Helena's bedroom interior is bugged. There are invisible walls all over. I suggest a fixed version of the interior object which is:

ID: 14871
Model: Kylie_barn
Texture: gf3

This is what the interior looks like:

Edit: I should mention that the interior is made up of 5 objects in total but it appears to be the main interior object (that of which I posted) that is bugged.

Originally Posted by BeckzyBoi
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Helena's bedroom interior is bugged. There are invisible walls all over. I suggest a fixed version of the interior object which is:

ID: 14871
Model: Kylie_barn
Texture: gf3

This is what the interior looks like:

I suggest making this one single object and make like an entire barn out of it. THis would be badass for farming and stuff. This can be used as the inside and it would be enterable.

Originally Posted by Whizion
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A smaller version of the current cow object please.
Wow, this was added, thanks Matite.

My dream of creating a cow server will finally come true.

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