Object Suggestions

More vehicle customization objects.

football helmets!

Originally Posted by Luis-
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More vehicle customization objects.

Originally Posted by Luis-
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More vehicle customization objects.
YES, and maybe even some objects made specifically for a few vehicles, like an object in the shape of the infernus windows, and their offsets would be set to fit onto the infernus automatically. Then we could SetObjectMaterial to a transparent color and tint the windows! Add fitted hoods for certain vehicles, sunroofs, bumper stickers (a blank one, so we can modify it ourselves), wheel spikes, all sorts of possibilities!

Originally Posted by cnoopers
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football helmets!
Eww, Patriots. Cheaters (Jk, lol). The helmets should be blank, and their should be a seperate texture on the back that we can use setobjectmaterial on to customize (add team name, player number, etc). If this were added, we also need shoulder pads, knee/elbow pads, and eye grease ('eye black')!

Added bodies skins here is a screen:

May be separate new objects from client? File size 4mb -> 40mb...

I would really really like to see:
-More of the police rank patches.
-More animals, I had enough of seeing the same deer over and over lol.
-A zombie/dead person object.
-Big/small stone wall object (medivel looking).
-Some serious looking player decoration, for example a new bandana in the blue color with the regular bandana pattern, same for red, some newer looking snapbacks, shoes object(make them seperated), and just overall more modern looking player customization objects.

Originally Posted by Xsyiaris
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I would really really like to see:
-More of the police rank patches.
-More animals, I had enough of seeing the same deer over and over lol.
-A zombie/dead person object.
-Big/small stone wall object (medivel looking).
-Some serious looking player decoration, for example a new bandana in the blue color with the regular bandana pattern, same for red, some newer looking snapbacks, shoes object(make them seperated), and just overall more modern looking player customization objects.
There is a tied up cop object already; 3092

Otherwise i agree with the above.

I think a single bodybag should also work fine

Some suggestions:
  1. Trunk (vault), with 2 statements (opened and closed)
  2. Zombies skins (based on ped's originals skins but modified)//could be based on ZomboTech viral accident or something
  3. Zombies anims (like grab and bite)
  4. Animals (tiger, pig, lion, chicken, cow etc)//we already have deer, shark, dolphin, parrot, why not some more amazing animals?
  5. Toilet paper and soap objects
  6. Entrable bathroom showers. //extracted by original ones but with open door and no colision inside it

Backpack,mask and hats

one of my own objects in different colors if you need it:

Download with dff/txd/col

Originally Posted by Kane_Phoenix
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one of my own objects in different colors if you need it:

Download with dff/txd/col
They only release new objects on versions which are made by themselves (by Matite)...

Since we add anims now too;

Toilet sitting anim, showering anim (kinda like in sims), closing door (we only have open afaik), proper repeating dig, fruit eating (one anim should be enough for all), stomp (like smashing something with your foot and rubbing it in), PRONE, shotgun reload (not pump), more but i cant think of right now...

But is good seems old pipe wrench, I don't like it look new as is the case of 19627.

Originally Posted by MpK
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I don't like it look new as is the case of 19627.
Use SetObjectMaterial with some rusty metal texture then?.

A pipewrench would be nice to see though.

Originally Posted by Crayder
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Since we add anims now too;

Toilet sitting anim, showering anim (kinda like in sims), closing door (we only have open afaik), proper repeating dig, fruit eating (one anim should be enough for all), stomp (like smashing something with your foot and rubbing it in), PRONE, shotgun reload (not pump), more but i cant think of right now...
Most of these animations are already there, you just need to add them to your server.

Originally Posted by DRUNKY
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Most of these animations are already there, you just need to add them to your server.
No, they are not, go find them. Then show us your perfect server, and your perfect script where people can take proper showers and take an actual shit. While you're at it, smash your computer with the stomp anim that you say exist. Then close the door with the close door anim. After this, take your shotgun and do the prone anim, reload your shotty (not pump) and shoot that gas line leading to your house. When your satisfied, dig a hole with the anim that actually looks like you're digging when it's repeated and throw your shotty in. Sit on your buried shotty and eat some fruit while sitting down.

Recrated Objects by myself


Download Contains:
Single Files (dff/txd/col)
Complete Files (SAMP.ide/SAMP.img/SAMPCOL.img) only for a clean install of SA-MP 0.3z-R2 Client


May I suggest a 2 exit Intersection object, a.k.a corner.


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