[HELP] Burning tires?

Hello everyone. I was wondering is it possible to make when player burn the tires on vehicle, is it possible to make tires burst.
I hope that someone understand what I want to ask, if someone don't understand, ask me I will try to explain.

You mean that when the tires are on fire, the tires burst? Does the tires on fire anim exists? sorry if I don't know abt the tire on fire etc etc, just trying to clear up some questions ppl might ask

Try attaching a fire to the vehicle's tyre using AttachObjectToVehicle


He was asking how to make the tires burst when the tire catches on fire. (not to be rude to you ATGOggy, just pointing out)

Originally Posted by ATGOggy
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Try attaching a fire to the vehicle's tyre using AttachObjectToVehicle

nah, i don't want that, i want to tiers burst (blow off)

hmm, maybe you could use the gun shoot to tire burst anim?

Like in GTA IV?

Yea I guess so, GTA IV has that animation he wants

Originally Posted by Sime30
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Like in GTA IV?
ћelim kad se plae gume ono W S i drћi skupa da onda puknu gume, kuћiљ, ono kao vozi se na felgama.

when you are pressing W and S and then for 20/30 sec they burst

Moras staviti provjeru pod OnPlayerKeyStateChange i neki timer drzi li igrac te dvije tipke 20 sekundi i onda ako drzi, postavis Damage Status za vozilo u kojem se nalazi. Problem je sto ne znam mozes li namjestiti za tipke W i S

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