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[HELP] Burning tires? - Printable Version

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[HELP] Burning tires? - LStrike17 - 28.01.2015

Hello everyone. I was wondering is it possible to make when player burn the tires on vehicle, is it possible to make tires burst.
I hope that someone understand what I want to ask, if someone don't understand, ask me I will try to explain.

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - Primard - 28.01.2015

You mean that when the tires are on fire, the tires burst? Does the tires on fire anim exists? sorry if I don't know abt the tire on fire etc etc, just trying to clear up some questions ppl might ask

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - ATGOggy - 28.01.2015

Try attaching a fire to the vehicle's tyre using AttachObjectToVehicle

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - Primard - 28.01.2015

He was asking how to make the tires burst when the tire catches on fire. (not to be rude to you ATGOggy, just pointing out)

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - LStrike17 - 28.01.2015

Originally Posted by ATGOggy
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Try attaching a fire to the vehicle's tyre using AttachObjectToVehicle
nah, i don't want that, i want to tiers burst (blow off)

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - Primard - 28.01.2015

hmm, maybe you could use the gun shoot to tire burst anim?

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - Sime30 - 28.01.2015

Like in GTA IV?

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - Primard - 28.01.2015

Yea I guess so, GTA IV has that animation he wants

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - LStrike17 - 28.01.2015

Originally Posted by Sime30
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Like in GTA IV?
ћelim kad se plae gume ono W S i drћi skupa da onda puknu gume, kuћiљ, ono kao vozi se na felgama.

when you are pressing W and S and then for 20/30 sec they burst

Re: [HELP] Burning tires? - Sime30 - 28.01.2015

Moras staviti provjeru pod OnPlayerKeyStateChange i neki timer drzi li igrac te dvije tipke 20 sekundi i onda ako drzi, postavis Damage Status za vozilo u kojem se nalazi. Problem je sto ne znam mozes li namjestiti za tipke W i S