Bugreport: RemoveBuildingForPlayer does not work


after I updated my test server on version 0.3.7 RC 1, the function "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" has no effect. The objects are still displayed.

// Edit: Sorry, wrong category. It would be nice if someone can move this thread to "Bugreports".

Best Regards


I had troubles with CreateObjectForPlayer aswell, I had to reload stunt_island everytime because when someone else connected they couldn't see island objects, same with zombotech, the original building won't get removed unless I reload the filterscript.

OK, I found the problem. It is not possible to use "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" in OnPlayerConnect. That is why the filterscript is working.

Originally Posted by Mr_Brox
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OK, I found the problem. It is not possible to use "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" in OnPlayerConnect. That is why the filterscript is working.
I have seen this a few times but not often.

It's likely you have a return 0 somewhere in a OnPlayerConnect() callback the culprit is probably fsdebug if you have it loaded.

No, I have only "return 1;" in OnPlayerConnect.

Check ALL filterscripts if you have fsdebug loaded it has return 0; in the code for some reason.

I don't use any filterscripts. Only my includes and my self written script.

Try and use SendClientMessage right before you call RemoveBuildingForPlayer. This way you know if the code is actually executed.

It worked with 0.3z R4 but not with 0.3.7 RC 1. But I don't care. I've already solved it. I placed the RemoveBuildingForPlayer code in OnPlayerRequestClass.

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