24.01.2015, 15:47
Hello !
I use MySQL.
My plugin is MySQL R39-2.
I have a query with AND, OR... But it's not work.
I hid the settings to avoid unnecessary code, to understand the request.
For example, it can select the fields in my database type 1 and type 2, when I specified only 1 ...
I use MySQL.
My plugin is MySQL R39-2.
I have a query with AND, OR... But it's not work.
pawn Код:
SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(`Timestamp`, '%%d-%%m-%%Y') AS Timestamp, id, SMS, NumeroSuppr, NumeroToSuppr, Numero, NumeroTo FROM `historique` WHERE Numero = %d AND NumeroSuppr != 1 OR NumeroTo = %d AND NumeroToSuppr != -1 AND Type = 1
For example, it can select the fields in my database type 1 and type 2, when I specified only 1 ...