[HELP] creating pickup in interiors for exit

Hello. I have the same interior which I use for house and apartments. Know is the problem when I'm in the house oke there is a pickup for exit but when I'm in the apartment there is also pickup for exit but for houses. My question is how can I create pickup to only show for apartments virtual worlds and for houses virtual worlds that way they won't mix up and I can use the same interiors if you know what I mean? Thanks

Use coordinates

I just said I have know the same pickup for exit which is created I have it in house interior but when I buy apartment I get that the same pickup of house in apartment interior exit but that pickup it should be only for houses virtual worlds

If you want to change the virtual world of a pickup, use streamer and this function:
PHP код:
CreateDynamicPickup(modelidtypeFloat:xFloat:yFloat:zworldid = -1interiorid = -1playerid = -1Float:streamdistance 100.0); 

That is not what I asking but thanks anyway for replying. I want to use pickup only for houses virtual worlds maybe make a loop that is go through houses virtual worlds and then create pickup

I was try like this but the pickup it should be in house but it isn't

for(new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++) houseintexit = CreatePickup(1239,1,2.0607,-3.0557,999.4284,i);

PHP код:
for(new i=0;i<MAX_HOUSES;i++)
i==..........) //to make sure it's a house


Maybe by changing the virtual world of each house interior to 1 and the virtual world of each apartment interior to 2 (anything except 1) and than create the pickup using:
pawn Код:
CreateDynamicPickup(modelid, type, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 100.0);
in each virtual world.

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