[GameMode] Single Player Gamemode

Hello , I need a script of Single Player . In which all the single player options are available . Having Clothing shops (also player can change there clothes) , Pizza , Burger shot , Cluckin etc . Casino gambling and all the option of single player and one main thing that is player can enter into shops/houses by standing on the icon not by giving /enter (roleplay function ) . IF any one have so please give me .

I suppose this is a wrong for posting

Here is for releasing GMs not requesting them

which thread is for requesting?

Post it here https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=447813

But i dont think they will do it for you for nothing it costs money

Thanks and Sorry Admins / Moderators for posting in wrong section

Well, don't request here. This wrong section

Originally Posted by Ahammad
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Well, don't request here. This wrong section
Thats what i said

Everyone has this gamemode, just go to gtasa.exe and click 'new game' and you done with it.

You can probably edit your main post to something like;

"Wrong section, ignore this post."

And I'm sure it'll die out fairly soon.

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