Looking for an experienced scripter/scripters to start a rp server with, we are about 5+ people

Hey, we are looking for experienced scripter/scripters to start a server with, we bring the ideas and you script them, you will be co-owner. We will also pay you money for your work. You need to be very good at this and be able to create what we want.

Message me here if you are interested

Originally Posted by kantarell96
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Hey, we are looking for experienced scripter/scripters to start a server with, we bring the ideas and you script them, you will be co-owner. We will also pay you money for your work. You need to be very good at this and be able to create what we want.

Message me here if you are interested

You have posted this in the wrong forum section, this is Script Help. I suggest asking for people to help you on the 'Looking for scripters/helpers' page.


Originally Posted by kantarell96
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Hey, we are looking for experienced scripter/scripters to start a server with, we bring the ideas and you script them, you will be co-owner. We will also pay you money for your work. You need to be very good at this and be able to create what we want.

Message me here if you are interested
I am creating a (strict) RP server completely from scratch and we got hosting/websites all set up, however we ofcourse are looking for new players once we officialy launch the server and would like suggestions/ideas. PM me if you are interested and I will give you further details.

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