[Map] Area 51 (re-created)

My third work Samp ( Re-Constructed Area 51)

RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3366, 276.6563, 2023.7578, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3366, 276.6563, 1989.5469, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3267, 188.2422, 2081.6484, 22.4453, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3277, 188.2422, 2081.6484, 22.4063, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1411, 347.1953, 1799.2656, 18.7578, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1411, 342.9375, 1796.2891, 18.7578, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3279, 113.3828, 1814.4531, 16.8203, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1697, 220.3828, 1835.3438, 23.2344, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1697, 228.7969, 1835.3438, 23.2344, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1697, 236.9922, 1835.3438, 23.2344, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 16095, 279.1328, 1829.7813, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 16094, 191.1406, 1870.0391, 21.4766, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3279, 103.8906, 1901.1016, 16.8203, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 16096, 120.5078, 1934.0313, 19.8281, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3279, 267.0625, 1895.2969, 16.8203, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3268, 276.6563, 2023.7578, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3268, 276.6563, 1989.5469, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3267, 354.4297, 2028.4922, 22.4141, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3277, 354.4141, 2028.5000, 22.3750, 0.25);
CreateObject(8150, 214.16631, 1783.26184, 19.57340,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(8150, 94.44109, 1844.73694, 19.56120,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(8150, 208.64050, 1940.49390, 19.90880,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 135.68314, 1942.28955, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 116.02238, 1942.22546, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 94.54766, 1916.86902, 22.37560,   -0.03600, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 100.74612, 1933.62744, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 50.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 141.24846, 1782.99268, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 122.05623, 1782.94910, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 104.94906, 1782.90698, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 306.90234, 2056.83691, 16.05390,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(18850, 211.30470, 1961.64404, 7.53490,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(18850, 245.36501, 1961.28271, 7.53490,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(8150, 275.47079, 1845.67188, 19.58890,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(8150, 274.93369, 1878.00842, 19.59480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 266.15210, 1886.57458, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 269.64771, 1886.59656, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 271.35339, 1886.53760, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 266.13843, 1883.46460, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 269.48047, 1883.56287, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 271.32675, 1883.39746, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 266.22061, 1881.07007, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 269.62671, 1881.05347, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 271.27429, 1881.06799, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3763, 356.74969, 2029.43091, 54.39020,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(1412, 357.33569, 2016.55042, 266136.00000,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(620, 271.01288, 2003.96069, 16.57338,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(8171, 306.88229, 1858.53308, 16.63750,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.88000);
CreateObject(8171, 306.94171, 1967.45874, 16.63750,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 375.04245, 1990.10706, 16.63280,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 375.23145, 1958.47888, 16.63280,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 374.99539, 1926.74329, 16.63280,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(16101, 328.37247, 2048.64624, 18.77790,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(16368, 328.60336, 2048.10742, 29.35240,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.00000);
CreateObject(3399, 272.92941, 1890.31445, 22.01200,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(3399, 275.19754, 1902.02551, 22.12630,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);
CreateObject(3399, 275.20938, 1908.20386, 19.28160,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);
CreateObject(3399, 273.04559, 1883.99890, 19.15130,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(3763, 185.35887, 2087.66943, 54.39020,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3398, 324.29086, 2048.08228, 18.33988,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3398, 289.01974, 2048.33691, 16.62339,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3398, 283.02863, 1788.33179, 16.60180,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.00000);
CreateObject(3398, 330.05905, 1789.50195, 16.79180,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 276.83505, 1987.66809, 16.61680,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.00000);
I will show some pictures


nice edit

Added in my gamemode + Credits!

Looks nice.

its great but the runway needs to be higher so it dosent like blur or make funny effects

Wow nice one Mate you got it
That for that map,It is so Awesome

no picture but I'll be watching this map thanks

Good job.

Originally Posted by aswinnarayanan
View Post
My third work Samp ( Re-Constructed Area 51)

RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3366, 276.6563, 2023.7578, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3366, 276.6563, 1989.5469, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3267, 188.2422, 2081.6484, 22.4453, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3277, 188.2422, 2081.6484, 22.4063, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1411, 347.1953, 1799.2656, 18.7578, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1411, 342.9375, 1796.2891, 18.7578, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3279, 113.3828, 1814.4531, 16.8203, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1697, 220.3828, 1835.3438, 23.2344, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1697, 228.7969, 1835.3438, 23.2344, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1697, 236.9922, 1835.3438, 23.2344, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 16095, 279.1328, 1829.7813, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 16094, 191.1406, 1870.0391, 21.4766, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3279, 103.8906, 1901.1016, 16.8203, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 16096, 120.5078, 1934.0313, 19.8281, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3279, 267.0625, 1895.2969, 16.8203, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3268, 276.6563, 2023.7578, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3268, 276.6563, 1989.5469, 16.6328, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3267, 354.4297, 2028.4922, 22.4141, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3277, 354.4141, 2028.5000, 22.3750, 0.25);
CreateObject(8150, 214.16631, 1783.26184, 19.57340,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(8150, 94.44109, 1844.73694, 19.56120,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(8150, 208.64050, 1940.49390, 19.90880,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 135.68314, 1942.28955, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 116.02238, 1942.22546, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 94.54766, 1916.86902, 22.37560,   -0.03600, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 100.74612, 1933.62744, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 50.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 141.24846, 1782.99268, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 122.05623, 1782.94910, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3749, 104.94906, 1782.90698, 22.37560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 306.90234, 2056.83691, 16.05390,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(18850, 211.30470, 1961.64404, 7.53490,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(18850, 245.36501, 1961.28271, 7.53490,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(8150, 275.47079, 1845.67188, 19.58890,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(8150, 274.93369, 1878.00842, 19.59480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 266.15210, 1886.57458, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 269.64771, 1886.59656, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 271.35339, 1886.53760, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 266.13843, 1883.46460, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 269.48047, 1883.56287, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 271.32675, 1883.39746, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 266.22061, 1881.07007, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 269.62671, 1881.05347, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(19362, 271.27429, 1881.06799, 16.71510,   0.00000, 91.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3763, 356.74969, 2029.43091, 54.39020,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(1412, 357.33569, 2016.55042, 266136.00000,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(620, 271.01288, 2003.96069, 16.57338,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(8171, 306.88229, 1858.53308, 16.63750,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.88000);
CreateObject(8171, 306.94171, 1967.45874, 16.63750,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 375.04245, 1990.10706, 16.63280,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 375.23145, 1958.47888, 16.63280,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 374.99539, 1926.74329, 16.63280,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(16101, 328.37247, 2048.64624, 18.77790,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(16368, 328.60336, 2048.10742, 29.35240,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.00000);
CreateObject(3399, 272.92941, 1890.31445, 22.01200,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(3399, 275.19754, 1902.02551, 22.12630,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);
CreateObject(3399, 275.20938, 1908.20386, 19.28160,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);
CreateObject(3399, 273.04559, 1883.99890, 19.15130,   0.00000, 0.00000, 91.00000);
CreateObject(3763, 185.35887, 2087.66943, 54.39020,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3398, 324.29086, 2048.08228, 18.33988,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3398, 289.01974, 2048.33691, 16.62339,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(3398, 283.02863, 1788.33179, 16.60180,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.00000);
CreateObject(3398, 330.05905, 1789.50195, 16.79180,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.00000);
CreateObject(3268, 276.83505, 1987.66809, 16.61680,   0.00000, 0.00000, 179.00000);
I will show some pictures

when i complied ,its work,but when i play ,there's 2 objects (fence)
look at this. !! how to fix that??

Originally Posted by fahlevy
View Post
when i complied ,its work,but when i play ,there's 2 objects (fence)
look at this. !! how to fix that??
Put removebuildin in onplayerconnect

Done, but stiil doesn't work ??

Originally Posted by fahlevy
Посмотреть сообщение
when i complied ,its work,but when i play ,there's 2 objects (fence)
look at this. !! how to fix that??
I don't know in which fence do you mean,but try this:
1. Use blank script in pawno -> Copy all this codes and Paste in blank script
2. Save that where you want,to be easier save on desktop..
3. Then open Map Editor and click on Import .pwn and open .pwn file which you save on desktop or where you save it
4. With Left Mouse click on fence which do you want to delete and click on Delete or press Delete on your keyboard
5. When you done that,go to Show Codes and Copy/Paste them in your script

And my comment on this map:
Put pictures at post,this pictures has removed or crashed link..

Originally Posted by fahlevy
Посмотреть сообщение
when i complied ,its work,but when i play ,there's 2 objects (fence)
look at this. !! how to fix that??
Because that be Correctly sure your Copied them all in correct place,
The remove object is not working on the Script i think!

Looks Nice but something's wrong with the runaway

Good mapping!! The Area 51, for me, is an enclosed area, a secret area. But you can adapt it to your way


ummm nice

Wow this is nice. I will be using this. Thanks

Originally Posted by Jakwob
Посмотреть сообщение
Wow this is nice. I will be using this. Thanks

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