Business system help

I'm currently working on my business system, already set up the saving system (enum) and commands such as /createbusiness, /deletebusiness, /buybusiness. I'm now making a stock to load the houses when the server starts up, which I'd say half-works.

When I start up the server it only loads the pickup, not the text above it. Here is the code:
stock LoadBusinesses()
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_BUSINESSES;i++)
	    new filestring[60];
	    INI_ParseFile(filestring,"LoadBusiness_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = i);
	        new string[128];
	        if(BusinessInfo[i][bOwned] == true)
				if(BusinessInfo[i][bType] == 1) // 24/7
					format(string,sizeof(string),"%s 24/7 is currently owned by %s\nType /enter to go inside.",BusinessInfo[i][bLocation],BusinessInfo[i][bOwner]);
				else if(BusinessInfo[i][bType] == 2) // Ammunation
					format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Ammunation is currently owned by %s\nType /enter to go inside.",BusinessInfo[i][bLocation],BusinessInfo[i][bOwner]);
				else if(BusinessInfo[i][bType] == 3) // Clothes store
					format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Clothes Store is currently owned by %s\nType /enter to go inside.",BusinessInfo[i][bLocation],BusinessInfo[i][bOwner]);
				BusinessPickup[i] = CreatePickup(1272,1,BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideX],BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideY],BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideZ],0);
				BusinessLabel[i] = Create3DTextLabel(string,0x76C5EEFF,BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideX],BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideY],BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideZ] + 0.7,10,0,0);
			else if(BusinessInfo[i][bOwned] == false)
	    		if(BusinessInfo[i][bType] == 1) // 24/7
					format(string,sizeof(string),"%s 24/7 is currently for sale! \nPurchase it for $%i",BusinessInfo[i][bLocation],BusinessInfo[i][bPrice]);
				else if(BusinessInfo[i][bType] == 2) // Ammunation
					format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Ammunation is currently for sale! \nPurchase it for $%i",BusinessInfo[i][bLocation],BusinessInfo[i][bPrice]);
				else if(BusinessInfo[i][bType] == 3) // Clothes Store
					format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Clothing Store (%i) is currently for sale! \nPurchase it for $%i",BusinessInfo[i][bLocation],BusinessInfo[i][bPrice]);
				BusinessPickup[i] = CreatePickup(1273,1,BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideX],BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideY],BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideZ],0);
				BusinessLabel[i] = Create3DTextLabel(string,0x32CD32FF,BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideX],BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideY],BusinessInfo[i][bOutsideZ] + 0.7,10,0,0);
	return 1;
It basically asks if the business is owned, if it is then asks what type is the business (1-3), if the business is a 24/7 then it formats the 3D text label. Or if the business is an ammunation then it formats it differently etc. There is 6 different ways it can format:

- Business is owned, is 24/7
- Business is owned, is ammunation
- Business is owned, is clothes store
- Business is for sale, is 24/7
- Business is for sale, is ammunation
- Business is for sale, is clothes store

So yeah, any help is appreciated. It only loads the pickup icon atm, not the text floating above it.

I changed the text on the create3dtextlabel to test, it worked ig so the problem must be formatting it?

Please help, thanks

bump, im still stuck on this

help please

? help me please

Oh please? There must be somebody who can help me.

Go to the "blueberry" farm(x:0 y:0 z: 5) and see if the text is there.
( Just guessing, I remember I've had this kind of a problem ).

Yes! The text is at blueberry farm, coords 0 0 0 but how do I fix?


how do you load business info?
how do you store outsideX, outsideY and outsideZ coordinates?

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