19.10.2014, 11:54
Last edited by BRICS; 28/06/2015 at 03:08 PM.
Useful things for sa-mp
server development in your hands |
This web application is collecting useful tools and resources that should help you with development of sa-mp server.
PawnoKit has been working since spring 2014 and recenlty was translated into English.
-> ID'S:
- Weapons List
- Vehicle's Colors
- Skins List
- Vehicles List
- MapIcons
- GameText Styles
Video of gametext views included
- Explosions Views
Video of explosion views included
- Weather's views
- PaintJobs
- Race checkpoints
- Objects
- Interiors
- Pickup types-> Tools:
- String Size
Returns the size of your string
- Color Generator
Can create color in HEX and C-SAMP format
- Texture Manager
A list of the GTA-SA textures
- Dialogs Creator
- Commands Creator
- KeyFinder
Show an id of the key when you press
- Base Sounds
-> Main info of SA-MPPlays a sound when you hover mouse on
- Limits-> Library
- Some includes and plugins you may download-> Download SA-MP
-> Support PawnoKit
- Donate
Source:You may donate some money for PawnoKit development, if you want to help us.
PawnoKit is HTML + JS application uses CMS MODx.
You can look at the source code via:
Right mouse click -> View page source, or by
Right mouse click -> Inspect element
If you've found a bug or translation mistake, write it here.
-> wiki.sa-mp.com
- Almost all of the ID'S
- Limits
- Texture manager based on Sprite Browser
- Base Sounds is S-Sounds
- Weather's views
- Race checkpoints
- Color generator: JavaScript Color Picker
- Images of objects (Lilou/Millie), the compilation (gamerxserver)
- Interiors
Last update: 28 jun 2015