Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

I am looking for experienced Web-Developers that can help me get a nice Homepage. Reward can be discussed

I'm looking for someone who wants a scripter.
I've got over 3 years experience in PAWN and I'll script all what you want if you pay me.

P.S: I can also optimize your code
P.S.S: Pm me


A new rp server!

I am looking for a professional team (Scripter, Mapper, Website developer)) to help me with a New RP server. If Interested Please send me a message on Skype ((Deadly-roller))

Looking for a pro mapper who could map a large SD interior for my server "Fantasy Roleplay" for more informations PM me. Its a unique RP server!
Note: I won't pay you but you could get either admin lvl 1 or the best donator package in my server..

Looking for a partner to start a community, or just a roleplay server with! Currently I have a 50 slot SAMP server, A script we can use if we both agree on it & 100% dedication. If you want to put together what I have with yours, give me a quick private message and lets talk!

Wawy Gaming
(Coming Soon)

I'm looking for a free mapper who has good experience. Mapping will be made only around Los Santos.
You must to be atleast 18+.
You will get Admin Rank for your work.

Wawy Gaming Roleplay! Los Santos Based, unique systems.


I am still looking for some staffs for my hosting company

• Proper English
• Be Mature
• You have to be online max 3 or more for the company

• Dont insult Owners And other staffs and also People

If your interested pm me

Originally Posted by De4dpOol
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Looking for Investors!
Hello Everybody,
Do you want to start a community but don't have enough money or scripter? Well you can be part of us.
I am going to start a community soon and for that I am in need of some financial helpers.

What will you get in return?
You will be given community co-owner/investor rank.

How much money will you have to donate?
You have to donate 8$ - 10$ monthly to keep us alive.

What we already have?
We have 7 staff members currently appointed including scripter(s) and web developer(s). [Hiring more, contact via forum PM]
Server script ready to be hosted on 01/11/2014.
I have already got 70$ but I want someone to help me and make the community live 1 - 2 years on hosted tab.

What kind of server I am going to start?
Well, I am starting one of a kind Call of Duty:Ghosts server. It is one of a kind because it is not a gamemode between several countries, we have only two teams Swat and Terrorists. Its a map change server and we are adding more and more maps regularly. Players can submit their own maps. Players can make their own map records like top headshoter, top killer, etc. Players have to kill as many players as they can and reach to rank 6 (Ghosts). We are going to add some more new and cool features soon.

If you are interested in helping me, contact me via forum PM.
Still looking.

Adventure Gaming is looking for a scripter and several experienced and hard working mappers for the development of Freeroam server. We are giving Admin ranks according to their hard work and creation. We might also pay them if they really worked hard and put all of their efforts in it.
Adventure Gaming is a serious project. We are working on two server and also gonna buy hosted tab for them. We bought .com domain(www.adv-gaming.com).

If you are interested to help this community in any way. Kindly leave a PM with you skype id.
Thank You.

Originally Posted by xWarrior
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Looking for scripters and mappers, the scripters and mappers will get co-owner admin rank in upcoming roleplay server ! The roleplay server will have many unique features. PM me if you are interested
Still Looking ~

Looking to invest in a Roleplaying server/community!
Active staff and a stable playerbase
An unique script, not an edit
Medium to Heavy Roleplay

What I want in return? That can be discussed at a later date.
Skype: jdhk94

Hello Everyone...
I started scripting a Unique Gamemode some weeks ago, I've done most of the Work, But i need some Mappers so that i can continue my project. I'll be opening a Server with the script & I'm offering Mapper Rank for those who want to join our team. We got host, We are getting a Domain soon, Everything that is required.

The Requirements are not much, You just have to be Mature, Must be able to speak english and must show some of your Mappings, Thats it.
Just pm me if anyone would like to Map.

Note: I'm not offering any Payments.
The GameMode type is PropHunt, From Garry's Mod...... In case you do not know what is PropHunt, Search it in ******, *******.


I'm looking for a RP server with potential
  • The server must have a good/experienced scripter.
  • It MUST have a MATURE Staff, which I can get along easy with.
  • The Owner must be FULLY responsible for the server (Covering all the costs; Domain, Server Slots etc).
  • MUST be a Roleplay server.
How Can I Contribute In The Development Of The Server?

  • I'm a Graphic Designer.
  • I do good promo videos for servers.
  • I do web-developing/designing (Forums editing etc.)
  • I do little mapping.
Skype: Slaughter_Henry
NB If you have ANY bad name of being a scammer, I'll not be working alongside or even with you.

I'm providing my codding service for money. If you're interested, send me a private message or add me on skype. We'll negotiate till then, only contact me if you're serious on making a deal with me.


Pilots World
We are looking for:
1 Head Admins (Found),
4 Admins(Pending 3 needed),
3 Moderators(pending),
3 Junior Moderators(pending)

If you are serious, mature and willing to be part of the server team .. contact me on skype: amine.mg to discuss about the requirements of each rank

Today I want your help that I am looking for a Web developer with html should be little amateur please it's for my hosting company and also if your interested please pm me

Seeking professional leadership for Los Santos Police Department and Los Santos Fire Department for an upcoming community.

Looking for some administrators & faction leaders on a upcoming Roleplayer server, We have only a couple more days until our Grand Opening but we need a team. We're looking for Faction Leaders, Gang Leaders, Gang Managers/Moderators, Administrators, Helpers/Mods, Teamspeak Staff and more! We already have 100slot SAMP & TS Server, A domain & website thats already all set, We're pretty much ready for players. If you're interested in helping out, send me a private message on here and we'll talk!

Do you need any help with (HTML, CSS, PHP, SA-MP SCRIPTING) and Also do you want a free 50 slots server maximum 5 server's I can host it if your interested please pm me

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