22.06.2009, 14:26
Hi, I know you have seen many maps like this, but never as big and functional as this one!
I presents LVDM 9.0 - Biggest public LVDM
If you want to give somebody admin permissions you should edit him account and change type=player to type=admin
This map is DM and Freeroam mode, you can do everything you want to. You can ride, jump, there is stuntparks and others, you can ride, there is drag track and carts and blablaba, you can kill for gain exp, you can drift, you can do everything!
Amx file is about 3 mb size
pwn file has 27402 lines, i want to be minimalist.
Map includes much stufff, including
Exp system
Admin range in account (rcon safe)
Drift system
Streamers (vehs, objs, pickups, icons) - vehicle streamer preview - 8.28
Follow system
Anty cheat system
Anty Hack system
The map will compile long time, so if you have very hardcore computer (1ghz or less) your computer may get lagged so much and seem to be dead, but it don't and it will compile it, so relax, go for a dinner, and when you will back map will be ready :>>
I don't know how map will work with some FS in background, because i have never used FS with this map, If i wanted something, i scripted it in map.
Map is written from scratch by Luby - Gamer_Z translated it to english IN 20 HOURS >LOL< and help me find bugs.
If something isn't mine, there is addictional info in map about it.
Commands :
Player's commands :
Admins commands :
for SAMP 0.3 :
0.2.x stuff:
I presents LVDM 9.0 - Biggest public LVDM
If you want to give somebody admin permissions you should edit him account and change type=player to type=admin
This map is DM and Freeroam mode, you can do everything you want to. You can ride, jump, there is stuntparks and others, you can ride, there is drag track and carts and blablaba, you can kill for gain exp, you can drift, you can do everything!
Amx file is about 3 mb size
pwn file has 27402 lines, i want to be minimalist.
Map includes much stufff, including
Exp system
Admin range in account (rcon safe)
Drift system
Streamers (vehs, objs, pickups, icons) - vehicle streamer preview - 8.28
Follow system
Anty cheat system
Anty Hack system
The map will compile long time, so if you have very hardcore computer (1ghz or less) your computer may get lagged so much and seem to be dead, but it don't and it will compile it, so relax, go for a dinner, and when you will back map will be ready :>>
I don't know how map will work with some FS in background, because i have never used FS with this map, If i wanted something, i scripted it in map.
Map is written from scratch by Luby - Gamer_Z translated it to english IN 20 HOURS >LOL< and help me find bugs.
If something isn't mine, there is addictional info in map about it.
Commands :
Player's commands :
Lists/helpt/etc /help-dd - help about dd /help-drag - help about drag /help-solo - help about solo /help-sumo - help about sumo /help-truck - help about truckrace /reg - server rules /reg2 - server rules /reg3 - server rules /reg4 - server rules /reg5 - server rules /reg6 - server rules /info3 /tips - shows the tips /help-list - shows a help list /reasons - reasons for to be banned or kicked /reasons2 - reasons for to be banned or kicked /help - shows the help /info - shows info /info2 commands /refuel - refuels your fuel /mafias - shows all mafias /mafia - mafia commands /cocaine - use cocaine ;d /site - edit this command and put there your site /forum - edit this command and put there your forum /irc - edit this command and put there your irc /mail - edit this command and put there your email /warns - show how much warns you have /registration - change your cars registration table /lotto - you will play the game lotto ![]() /counter-on - fuel, speed etc on /counter-off - fuel, speed etc off /report - report a cheater /flo - if you have an out of synch use this command /ck - something like ANTI CAR KILL /rampoff - turns the ramps off /rampon - turns the ramps on /driftoff - driftcounter off /drifton - on /p.i.r - paretns in room message will be displayed ;] /w/c - if you go pie... xD /car-color - sets your car color /acolor - changes your vehicle color /colory - shows the colors[me=Luby]- displays a message ex /me is going to jump[/me] /stat - stats /astat - admin stats /savepos - save your pos /telpos - teleport to saved pos /stunt - goto stunt :P /mp3 - turn on your mp3 player /veheal - repair your vehicle /hydralics - mod your car /gps - turn GPS on/off /bank - put money into bank /gbank - put money into gang bank /transact - transact money /ns - account updateor /vid - check your vehicle id /kill - kill yourself /cellin - take your cellphone out /cellout - put your cellphone back :P /gpscar - gps a car /weaponlist - shows a list of weapons /buyweapon - buys the weapon /stuntquestquit /stuntquest - begin a stunt quest /lock - lock your car /SetRamp - sets the choosen ramp /top - top /unlock - unlocks your car /antidote - heals you /withdraw - withdraw cash /gwithdraw - withdraw cash from gang bank /givecash - transfer cash to somebody /hitman - set a price for someones head.. /buy - buy the property /balance - check your balance /gbalance - check the gang balance /register - register your nickname /login - logs you in with your password /properties /properties2 /properties3 /gang - gang commands /ganginfo - shows info about an gang /kickself /alarm - sets an alarm /alarmoff - turns the alarm off /kick-passenger - removes an passenger from your vehicle /admins - shows online admins /+ - mp3 player option 1 /= - mp3 player option 2 /- - mp3 player option 3 /> - mp3 player option 4 /Nochat - turn your chat off /gangs - shows all gangs /tune - mod your car /nos - mod your car /pos - show your position /flip - flips your car /totalstat /login [password] /register [password] /back - shows that you are back /ns update - account update system /my-ip - shows your ip /time - shows the current time teleports /sf-tuning /ls-tuning /stacja - teleports to gasoline /solo - teleport to solo /jizzy - teleports to jizzy /kta - teleport to kta /kta2 - teleport to kta if you have an vehicle /truck-race - teleports to truck race /party - tleports to party /skate-park - teleports to skatepark /drag - tp to dragrace /dragexit /telexit /drift-parking /policeoffice /rom /salon /base /chillad /sf /ls /lv /alcatraz /molo /carts /tdm /spectators-tdm /sumo /jump1 /bank-lv /tomb /church-sf /ship-sf /jump2 /jump3 /jump4 /hospital-sf /bank-ls /skyscrapper-ls /ship-lv /piramid /old-airport /molo-ls /gasoline-ls /gasoline-sf /hospital-lv /stadion /roof-caligula /trucks /cave /radar /telexit - exits any teleport such as /dd / drag etc /astunt - goto another stunt :P /luby-house /meating /andromeda /gotojump /drift1 - tp to drift 1 /drift2 - tp to drift 2 /drift3 - tp to drift 3 /jump - tp to jump /lv-tuning /spiral /dd /cj /owal /ddexit /owalexit fightin styles /karate - go into karate style /boxer - go into boxer style /gangster - go into gangster style /normal - go into normal style animations /give-up - you give it up.. /drunk /bomb /arest /lol /look /steal /fuck /arest2 /wank /arested /injured * luby slaps around a bit with a large trout. /smoke2 /cop /bather /cover /vomit /eat /wave /slapping /death /deal /kiss /crack /piss /smoke /sit /fuckyou /club /msn /astop /tancz |
/truck-end - teleports you to the truck race finish /adminroom-open /adminroom-close /adminroom2-open /adminroom2-close /adminroom3-open /adminroom3-close /smho - admin base 4 and 5 open /smhc - admin base 4 and 5 close /adminroom4-open /adminroom4-close /smh - teleport to smh :P /teleport-willa /setbank - sets amount of cash in bank for the player /disable - disables an choosen command /enable - enables an choosen command /check - checks if a player was already banned /madu-skin /marlenka-skin /cross-skin /torvalds-skin /fuel-all - gives everybody max fuel /adzia-skin /kox-skin /lovka-skin /soloo - opens the solo /soloc - closes the solo /villao - opens the villa /villac - closes the villa /drago - opens the drag /dragc - closes the drag /std - move drag start lines down /stu - move drag start lines up /hideadmin-on - hides you from the /admins list /hideadmin-off - inhides you from the /admins list /block-com - blocks all commands for a player /unblock-com - unblocks all commands for a player /block-pm - blocks private messages for a player /unblock-pm - unblocks private messages for a player /bridge-up - Alcatraz bridge moves up /bridge-down - Alcatraz bridge moves down /alcatrazo - opens the gate in alcatraz /alcatrazc - closes the gate in alcatraz /elevator-up - the alcatraz elevator goes up /elevator-down - the alcatraz elevator goes down /elevatoro - the alcatraz elevator gate opens /elevatorc - the alcatraz elevator gate closes /gsectoro - the main sector gate opens /gsectorc - the main sector gate closes /parkingo - Alcatraz parking opens /parkingc - Alcatraz parking closes /alarm! - All gates close in alcatraz /asectoro - a sector opens in alcatraz /asectorc - a sector closes in alcatraz /escapeo - escape route opens /escapec - escape route closes /alcatraz-jail 0 open /alcatraz-jail 0 close /alcatraz-jail 1 open /alcatraz-jail 1 close /alcatraz-jail 2 open /alcatraz-jail 2 close /alcatraz-jail 3 open /alcatraz-jail 3 close /alcatraz-jail 4 open /alcatraz-jail 4 close /alcatraz-jail 5 open /alcatraz-jail 5 close /alcatraz-jail 6 open /alcatraz-jail 6 close /alcatraz-jail 7 open /alcatraz-jail 7 close /alcatraz-jail-all open /alcatraz-jail-all close /alcatraz-all open /gora-torvalds - teleports you to the higher torvalds /dol-torvalds - teleports you to the lower torvalds /adminroom-enter - you enter the adminroom /adminroom-exit - you exit the adminroom /dragend - teleports you to the dragrace end /cross-up - cross elevator goes up /cross-down - ..goes down.. /merlin-safe-o - merlin safe open /merlin-safe-z - close /open-torvalds - torvalds open /close-torvalds - close /owal 1 open - parking open /owal 1 close - close /owal 2 open - exit open /owal 2 close - close /spec - spectate a player /kicknhide - kick somebody and don't let show it to other players /setpassword - set somebodies password /la - lock all vehickles /ua - unlock all vehicles /la-dd - ** on DD /ua-dd - ** on DD /la-drag - ** on Drag /ua-drag - ** on Drag /la-owal - ** on Owal /ua-owal - ** On Owal /la-meating - ** on meating /ua-meating - ** on meating /la-base - ** on base /ua-base - ** on base /guard-torvalds-on - turns the torvald protection system on /guard-torvalds-off - turns it off /mute - mute a player /unmute - unmute a player /mute-all /unmute-all /uphere - raises you by 10m /govid - puts you in the vehicle with the selected id /adminskin /eyeinfo - see some info about a player /b - ban somebody /kick-all /k - kick somebody /admin - you change your color to adminred ;] /say - something like /rcon say /gamesay - announce a message in the screen /gamesayto - announce a message for the selected player /say-to - using say for only the selected player /score - gives a player the selected amount of score /score-all - gives everybody an amount of score /money-all - gives everybody an amount of cash /money - gives the selected player an amount of cash /give-exp-all - gives everybody experience points /give-exp - gives experience points to a player /tel-to-me - teleports somebody to you /sethp - set somebodies hp to what you want /kil - kill a player /remove - remove a player from his/her vehicle /disabletexts - turn admin texts off /resetmoney - resets the money for the choosen player /clearchat - clears the chat, you can alco use /c /c - clears the chat /resetweapon - resets the weapons of a player /g-gun - give gun to a player /changecolor - sets your color to adminred ;] /acreateveh - creates a vehicle /adestroyveh - destroys a vehicle /maxplayers - show how many players may play on the server /upingp - raises you by x meters 11797 /setweather - sets the choosen weather /gravity - sets the choosen gravity /angle - sets the angle of a player /skin - change somebodies skin /skin-all - change everybodies skins /action-all - sets everybody the same animation /play - plays somebody the music ;] /explode-all - explodes everybody /explode - explode a player /play-all - plays music for all players /uping-all - raises everybody by x meters /downing-all - lowers everybody by x meters /position-all - sets everybodies position /music-all-off - turns the music for all players off /music-off - turns the music for a player off /angle-all - sets everybodies angle /vangle - sets somebodies vehicle angle /vangle-all - set everyones vehicle angle /downingp - lowers a player by x meters /downing - lowers you by x meters /position - sets your position /positionp - sets a players position /givescore-all - gives everybody an amount of score /infohp - see how much hp you have (in points) /pingid - see how much ping somebody has /ip - check somebodies ip /disarm - disarm a player [me=Luby][/me] /pma - sent message to admin chat /setName - set somebodies name /setNumber - set somebodies vehicle a new tablename /disarm-all - disarms all players /jail - jail soembody /caps-off - anti caps lock off /caps-on - anti caps lock on /blupp - jail somebody /jail-all - jail everybody /blupp-all - jail everybody /unjail-all - unjail everybody /unblupp-all - unjail everybody /killp - kill a player /visible - be visible /eye - on - show typed commands, off - don't show typed commands /street - stretnames on/off /warn - warn a player /unwarn - unwarn a player /armor - get armour /infarmor - get inf armour /mend - makes your vehicle indestructible /cme - clears only your chat /flipid - flip somebody /setcash - sets somebodies cash /setscore - set somebodies score /setcash-all - sets everyones cash /setscore-all - sets everyones score /tp - teleports player1 to player2 /resetcash-all - reset everybodies cash /resetscore-all - reset everybodies score /resetscore - reset the score of a player /resetcash - reset somebodies cash /hp-all - heals everyone /armor-all - gives everyone armour /infarmor-all - gives everyone inf armour /repair-all - repairs all vehicles /respawncar - respawns all unused cars /respawnmeating - respawns the vehicles on meating /respawndrag - ** drag /respawnbase - ** base /respawndd - ** DD /respawnowal - ** owal /respawnsumo - ** sumo /respawncart - ** carts /players-tdm - give everybody an good equipement on TDM /respawn-all - respawn everyone /flip-all - flip all players /kill-all - kill all players /heal - heal somebody /armorid - give somebody armour /infarmorid - give somebody inf armour /repair - repair somebodies vehicle /respawnveh - respawn vehicle /respawn - respawn a player /god-all /vgod-all /god /vgod /invincible - be immortal /invveh /freeze - freeze a player /unfreeze - unfreeze a player /freeze-all - freeze all players /unfreeze-me - unfreeze you /unfreeze-all - unfreeze all players /remove - remove a player from a vehicle /emulate - emulate a command for somebody /remove-all - removes everbody from his/her vehicles /Kick-All - kick everyone /cd - countdown /stopcd - stop countdown /gamemodetext - sets the gamemodetext /announce - announce a message /announcep - announce a message to a player /aacolors /tp-all-here /tp-all-here-veh /tp-all-to-veh /spawnerman - sets the new spawn /tp-all-to /g-gun-all /gun-spawn-all /nogun-spawn-all /gun-spawn /nogun-spawn /tp-here /tp-to /exchange - change with players positions /exchangep - change 2 players with positions /lock-all - locks all vehicles /removelock-all - same as down but for all players :P /removelock - remove the player from his vehicle and lock it /lockall-id - lock all cars for a player /unlockall-id - unlock all cars for a player /unlock-all - unlock all cars /givecash - give a player cash without losing yours /color - set somebones color /color-me - sets your color /aacolor-all /br - gain admin weapons set /saycolor - say something with a chosen color /saycolor-to - say something with a choosen color to a player /setloc - saves your location /geti - gets the interior /tp-loc - teleports you to a saved location /tp-locp - teleports a player to a saved location /tp-all-loc - telepors everyone to a saved location /slap /slap-all /settime - sets the time /aerror - fake error /newspawn - sets the new spawn /killspawn - sets the spawn where you die /nokillspawn - unsets the killspawn /oldspawn - sets the old spawn /invisible - you will be invisible on the radar /onlineserv - uptime /GetName - get the name of a player /WeaponName - het the wepaon name /seti - set interior /unlost - you are not lost /blackadd - adds a player to the blacklist /blackdel - deletes a player from the blacklist /telexit - exits an teleport /teleport-all-here - teleports everyone to you /g - teleport to soemwhere /house-torvalds - teleport to the house /marlenka-house - teleport to the house /secret-solo-cross /secret-solo-open /secret-solo-close /372819563056128 - an teleport /571829465910750 - an teleport /specoff - turn spectate off /FastEnter - fast enter a vehicle /FastEnter on /FastEnter off /718204658100160 - an teleport /c2ligul2 - also an teleport |
for SAMP 0.3 :
0.2.x stuff: