Lists/helpt/etc /help-dd - help about dd /help-drag - help about drag /help-solo - help about solo /help-sumo - help about sumo /help-truck - help about truckrace /reg - server rules /reg2 - server rules /reg3 - server rules /reg4 - server rules /reg5 - server rules /reg6 - server rules /info3 /tips - shows the tips /help-list - shows a help list /reasons - reasons for to be banned or kicked /reasons2 - reasons for to be banned or kicked /help - shows the help /info - shows info /info2 commands /refuel - refuels your fuel /mafias - shows all mafias /mafia - mafia commands /cocaine - use cocaine ;d /site - edit this command and put there your site /forum - edit this command and put there your forum /irc - edit this command and put there your irc /mail - edit this command and put there your email /warns - show how much warns you have /registration - change your cars registration table /lotto - you will play the game lotto ![]() /counter-on - fuel, speed etc on /counter-off - fuel, speed etc off /report - report a cheater /flo - if you have an out of synch use this command /ck - something like ANTI CAR KILL /rampoff - turns the ramps off /rampon - turns the ramps on /driftoff - driftcounter off /drifton - on /p.i.r - paretns in room message will be displayed ;] /w/c - if you go pie... xD /car-color - sets your car color /acolor - changes your vehicle color /colory - shows the colors[me=Luby]- displays a message ex /me is going to jump[/me] /stat - stats /astat - admin stats /savepos - save your pos /telpos - teleport to saved pos /stunt - goto stunt :P /mp3 - turn on your mp3 player /veheal - repair your vehicle /hydralics - mod your car /gps - turn GPS on/off /bank - put money into bank /gbank - put money into gang bank /transact - transact money /ns - account updateor /vid - check your vehicle id /kill - kill yourself /cellin - take your cellphone out /cellout - put your cellphone back :P /gpscar - gps a car /weaponlist - shows a list of weapons /buyweapon - buys the weapon /stuntquestquit /stuntquest - begin a stunt quest /lock - lock your car /SetRamp - sets the choosen ramp /top - top /unlock - unlocks your car /antidote - heals you /withdraw - withdraw cash /gwithdraw - withdraw cash from gang bank /givecash - transfer cash to somebody /hitman - set a price for someones head.. /buy - buy the property /balance - check your balance /gbalance - check the gang balance /register - register your nickname /login - logs you in with your password /properties /properties2 /properties3 /gang - gang commands /ganginfo - shows info about an gang /kickself /alarm - sets an alarm /alarmoff - turns the alarm off /kick-passenger - removes an passenger from your vehicle /admins - shows online admins /+ - mp3 player option 1 /= - mp3 player option 2 /- - mp3 player option 3 /> - mp3 player option 4 /Nochat - turn your chat off /gangs - shows all gangs /tune - mod your car /nos - mod your car /pos - show your position /flip - flips your car /totalstat /login [password] /register [password] /back - shows that you are back /ns update - account update system /my-ip - shows your ip /time - shows the current time teleports /sf-tuning /ls-tuning /stacja - teleports to gasoline /solo - teleport to solo /jizzy - teleports to jizzy /kta - teleport to kta /kta2 - teleport to kta if you have an vehicle /truck-race - teleports to truck race /party - tleports to party /skate-park - teleports to skatepark /drag - tp to dragrace /dragexit /telexit /drift-parking /policeoffice /rom /salon /base /chillad /sf /ls /lv /alcatraz /molo /carts /tdm /spectators-tdm /sumo /jump1 /bank-lv /tomb /church-sf /ship-sf /jump2 /jump3 /jump4 /hospital-sf /bank-ls /skyscrapper-ls /ship-lv /piramid /old-airport /molo-ls /gasoline-ls /gasoline-sf /hospital-lv /stadion /roof-caligula /trucks /cave /radar /telexit - exits any teleport such as /dd / drag etc /astunt - goto another stunt :P /luby-house /meating /andromeda /gotojump /drift1 - tp to drift 1 /drift2 - tp to drift 2 /drift3 - tp to drift 3 /jump - tp to jump /lv-tuning /spiral /dd /cj /owal /ddexit /owalexit fightin styles /karate - go into karate style /boxer - go into boxer style /gangster - go into gangster style /normal - go into normal style animations /give-up - you give it up.. /drunk /bomb /arest /lol /look /steal /fuck /arest2 /wank /arested /injured * luby slaps around a bit with a large trout. /smoke2 /cop /bather /cover /vomit /eat /wave /slapping /death /deal /kiss /crack /piss /smoke /sit /fuckyou /club /msn /astop /tancz |
/truck-end - teleports you to the truck race finish /adminroom-open /adminroom-close /adminroom2-open /adminroom2-close /adminroom3-open /adminroom3-close /smho - admin base 4 and 5 open /smhc - admin base 4 and 5 close /adminroom4-open /adminroom4-close /smh - teleport to smh :P /teleport-willa /setbank - sets amount of cash in bank for the player /disable - disables an choosen command /enable - enables an choosen command /check - checks if a player was already banned /madu-skin /marlenka-skin /cross-skin /torvalds-skin /fuel-all - gives everybody max fuel /adzia-skin /kox-skin /lovka-skin /soloo - opens the solo /soloc - closes the solo /villao - opens the villa /villac - closes the villa /drago - opens the drag /dragc - closes the drag /std - move drag start lines down /stu - move drag start lines up /hideadmin-on - hides you from the /admins list /hideadmin-off - inhides you from the /admins list /block-com - blocks all commands for a player /unblock-com - unblocks all commands for a player /block-pm - blocks private messages for a player /unblock-pm - unblocks private messages for a player /bridge-up - Alcatraz bridge moves up /bridge-down - Alcatraz bridge moves down /alcatrazo - opens the gate in alcatraz /alcatrazc - closes the gate in alcatraz /elevator-up - the alcatraz elevator goes up /elevator-down - the alcatraz elevator goes down /elevatoro - the alcatraz elevator gate opens /elevatorc - the alcatraz elevator gate closes /gsectoro - the main sector gate opens /gsectorc - the main sector gate closes /parkingo - Alcatraz parking opens /parkingc - Alcatraz parking closes /alarm! - All gates close in alcatraz /asectoro - a sector opens in alcatraz /asectorc - a sector closes in alcatraz /escapeo - escape route opens /escapec - escape route closes /alcatraz-jail 0 open /alcatraz-jail 0 close /alcatraz-jail 1 open /alcatraz-jail 1 close /alcatraz-jail 2 open /alcatraz-jail 2 close /alcatraz-jail 3 open /alcatraz-jail 3 close /alcatraz-jail 4 open /alcatraz-jail 4 close /alcatraz-jail 5 open /alcatraz-jail 5 close /alcatraz-jail 6 open /alcatraz-jail 6 close /alcatraz-jail 7 open /alcatraz-jail 7 close /alcatraz-jail-all open /alcatraz-jail-all close /alcatraz-all open /gora-torvalds - teleports you to the higher torvalds /dol-torvalds - teleports you to the lower torvalds /adminroom-enter - you enter the adminroom /adminroom-exit - you exit the adminroom /dragend - teleports you to the dragrace end /cross-up - cross elevator goes up /cross-down - ..goes down.. /merlin-safe-o - merlin safe open /merlin-safe-z - close /open-torvalds - torvalds open /close-torvalds - close /owal 1 open - parking open /owal 1 close - close /owal 2 open - exit open /owal 2 close - close /spec - spectate a player /kicknhide - kick somebody and don't let show it to other players /setpassword - set somebodies password /la - lock all vehickles /ua - unlock all vehicles /la-dd - ** on DD /ua-dd - ** on DD /la-drag - ** on Drag /ua-drag - ** on Drag /la-owal - ** on Owal /ua-owal - ** On Owal /la-meating - ** on meating /ua-meating - ** on meating /la-base - ** on base /ua-base - ** on base /guard-torvalds-on - turns the torvald protection system on /guard-torvalds-off - turns it off /mute - mute a player /unmute - unmute a player /mute-all /unmute-all /uphere - raises you by 10m /govid - puts you in the vehicle with the selected id /adminskin /eyeinfo - see some info about a player /b - ban somebody /kick-all /k - kick somebody /admin - you change your color to adminred ;] /say - something like /rcon say /gamesay - announce a message in the screen /gamesayto - announce a message for the selected player /say-to - using say for only the selected player /score - gives a player the selected amount of score /score-all - gives everybody an amount of score /money-all - gives everybody an amount of cash /money - gives the selected player an amount of cash /give-exp-all - gives everybody experience points /give-exp - gives experience points to a player /tel-to-me - teleports somebody to you /sethp - set somebodies hp to what you want /kil - kill a player /remove - remove a player from his/her vehicle /disabletexts - turn admin texts off /resetmoney - resets the money for the choosen player /clearchat - clears the chat, you can alco use /c /c - clears the chat /resetweapon - resets the weapons of a player /g-gun - give gun to a player /changecolor - sets your color to adminred ;] /acreateveh - creates a vehicle /adestroyveh - destroys a vehicle /maxplayers - show how many players may play on the server /upingp - raises you by x meters 11797 /setweather - sets the choosen weather /gravity - sets the choosen gravity /angle - sets the angle of a player /skin - change somebodies skin /skin-all - change everybodies skins /action-all - sets everybody the same animation /play - plays somebody the music ;] /explode-all - explodes everybody /explode - explode a player /play-all - plays music for all players /uping-all - raises everybody by x meters /downing-all - lowers everybody by x meters /position-all - sets everybodies position /music-all-off - turns the music for all players off /music-off - turns the music for a player off /angle-all - sets everybodies angle /vangle - sets somebodies vehicle angle /vangle-all - set everyones vehicle angle /downingp - lowers a player by x meters /downing - lowers you by x meters /position - sets your position /positionp - sets a players position /givescore-all - gives everybody an amount of score /infohp - see how much hp you have (in points) /pingid - see how much ping somebody has /ip - check somebodies ip /disarm - disarm a player [me=Luby][/me] /pma - sent message to admin chat /setName - set somebodies name /setNumber - set somebodies vehicle a new tablename /disarm-all - disarms all players /jail - jail soembody /caps-off - anti caps lock off /caps-on - anti caps lock on /blupp - jail somebody /jail-all - jail everybody /blupp-all - jail everybody /unjail-all - unjail everybody /unblupp-all - unjail everybody /killp - kill a player /visible - be visible /eye - on - show typed commands, off - don't show typed commands /street - stretnames on/off /warn - warn a player /unwarn - unwarn a player /armor - get armour /infarmor - get inf armour /mend - makes your vehicle indestructible /cme - clears only your chat /flipid - flip somebody /setcash - sets somebodies cash /setscore - set somebodies score /setcash-all - sets everyones cash /setscore-all - sets everyones score /tp - teleports player1 to player2 /resetcash-all - reset everybodies cash /resetscore-all - reset everybodies score /resetscore - reset the score of a player /resetcash - reset somebodies cash /hp-all - heals everyone /armor-all - gives everyone armour /infarmor-all - gives everyone inf armour /repair-all - repairs all vehicles /respawncar - respawns all unused cars /respawnmeating - respawns the vehicles on meating /respawndrag - ** drag /respawnbase - ** base /respawndd - ** DD /respawnowal - ** owal /respawnsumo - ** sumo /respawncart - ** carts /players-tdm - give everybody an good equipement on TDM /respawn-all - respawn everyone /flip-all - flip all players /kill-all - kill all players /heal - heal somebody /armorid - give somebody armour /infarmorid - give somebody inf armour /repair - repair somebodies vehicle /respawnveh - respawn vehicle /respawn - respawn a player /god-all /vgod-all /god /vgod /invincible - be immortal /invveh /freeze - freeze a player /unfreeze - unfreeze a player /freeze-all - freeze all players /unfreeze-me - unfreeze you /unfreeze-all - unfreeze all players /remove - remove a player from a vehicle /emulate - emulate a command for somebody /remove-all - removes everbody from his/her vehicles /Kick-All - kick everyone /cd - countdown /stopcd - stop countdown /gamemodetext - sets the gamemodetext /announce - announce a message /announcep - announce a message to a player /aacolors /tp-all-here /tp-all-here-veh /tp-all-to-veh /spawnerman - sets the new spawn /tp-all-to /g-gun-all /gun-spawn-all /nogun-spawn-all /gun-spawn /nogun-spawn /tp-here /tp-to /exchange - change with players positions /exchangep - change 2 players with positions /lock-all - locks all vehicles /removelock-all - same as down but for all players :P /removelock - remove the player from his vehicle and lock it /lockall-id - lock all cars for a player /unlockall-id - unlock all cars for a player /unlock-all - unlock all cars /givecash - give a player cash without losing yours /color - set somebones color /color-me - sets your color /aacolor-all /br - gain admin weapons set /saycolor - say something with a chosen color /saycolor-to - say something with a choosen color to a player /setloc - saves your location /geti - gets the interior /tp-loc - teleports you to a saved location /tp-locp - teleports a player to a saved location /tp-all-loc - telepors everyone to a saved location /slap /slap-all /settime - sets the time /aerror - fake error /newspawn - sets the new spawn /killspawn - sets the spawn where you die /nokillspawn - unsets the killspawn /oldspawn - sets the old spawn /invisible - you will be invisible on the radar /onlineserv - uptime /GetName - get the name of a player /WeaponName - het the wepaon name /seti - set interior /unlost - you are not lost /blackadd - adds a player to the blacklist /blackdel - deletes a player from the blacklist /telexit - exits an teleport /teleport-all-here - teleports everyone to you /g - teleport to soemwhere /house-torvalds - teleport to the house /marlenka-house - teleport to the house /secret-solo-cross /secret-solo-open /secret-solo-close /372819563056128 - an teleport /571829465910750 - an teleport /specoff - turn spectate off /FastEnter - fast enter a vehicle /FastEnter on /FastEnter off /718204658100160 - an teleport /c2ligul2 - also an teleport |
Originally Posted by Shady91
EDIT: how long did it take to add all them boat must be like 1000 /saves and to drive boats in water its a nightmaer lol
Originally Posted by Shady91
ahh cool lol so how many boats is there?
Originally Posted by Shady91
wow thats a lot to make 9900 i cba to make over 1000 lol
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
This script is huge, good work. Is vehicle streamer stable and with how much players did you tested it?
Originally Posted by Luby