Police maverick light object

Hi !

Today, I open a new thread because i'm looking for a special object.
If you see what I mean, I'm looking for the Police maverick light object.
In solo GTA, we can see that Police bots that are flying with Police mavericks have a light opened that is going from the helicopter to the land.

I tryed to work with that object (ID : 18656) but it's very too big.
I'm looking for a smaller, more appropriate object.

Hope you'll have positives answers,

Thank you for reading my post & sorry for my bad english,


No idea ?

maybe this may help you

Thank you, I already have taken a look but didn't find the object.

use H in police maverick to open light.


It's not the solution, obviously...
I'm looking for an object that is the same as the light used in GTA solo for the police mavericks (helicopter).

so this is a particle, not object
or, you can attach that big object to player when he enter to the helicopter and scale it.

You can see the interior of the helicopter while you are driving. If I attach it to the player, the driver will see the object in the helicopter. It won't be really esthetical. It's why, I'm looking for and other "particle" thant that one: 18656, which his, for the moment, the only solution I found.

No one else ?

i checked, that object got that same size like a police maverick when clicked H.

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