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Police maverick light object - Printable Version

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Police maverick light object - Varkoll - 12.07.2014

Hi !

Today, I open a new thread because i'm looking for a special object.
If you see what I mean, I'm looking for the Police maverick light object.
In solo GTA, we can see that Police bots that are flying with Police mavericks have a light opened that is going from the helicopter to the land.

I tryed to work with that object (ID : 18656) but it's very too big.
I'm looking for a smaller, more appropriate object.

Hope you'll have positives answers,

Thank you for reading my post & sorry for my bad english,


Re : Police maverick light object - Varkoll - 13.07.2014

No idea ?

Re: Police maverick light object - BroZeus - 13.07.2014

maybe this may help you

Re : Police maverick light object - Varkoll - 13.07.2014

Thank you, I already have taken a look but didn't find the object.

Re: Police maverick light object - cnoopers - 13.07.2014

use H in police maverick to open light.

Re : Police maverick light object - Varkoll - 13.07.2014


It's not the solution, obviously...
I'm looking for an object that is the same as the light used in GTA solo for the police mavericks (helicopter).

Re: Police maverick light object - cnoopers - 13.07.2014

so this is a particle, not object
or, you can attach that big object to player when he enter to the helicopter and scale it.

Re : Police maverick light object - Varkoll - 13.07.2014

You can see the interior of the helicopter while you are driving. If I attach it to the player, the driver will see the object in the helicopter. It won't be really esthetical. It's why, I'm looking for and other "particle" thant that one: 18656, which his, for the moment, the only solution I found.

Re : Police maverick light object - Varkoll - 14.07.2014

No one else ?

Re: Police maverick light object - cnoopers - 14.07.2014

i checked, that object got that same size like a police maverick when clicked H.