Help Me SA:MP admins Please

Hello All. I did Not Know where to Post. I have One great Problem and I Need SA:MP admins and Scripters Help. I have Bug.
Almost 1 week ago I was Banned From SA:MP ValhallaGaming Roleplay Server. I talked To all Admins of the Server and They Told Me I were Not Banned From There server and I was Not In Ban List. It was Something Bug. So I Need Your Help ASAP. Cause I wanna Play. Tanks Beforehand. I hope You will help me

So what do you see when you connect to their server? Any message?

it was like
conection lost , retryining
You are banned from this server

Originally Posted by BiG_Sm0k3
it was like
conection lost , retryining
You are banned from this server
It is either a glitch (sometimes that happens) or you seriously are banned .

Yeah. Make sure you've full connection. The server isn't full. The server isn't crashing. I've connected to a message "You're banned from this server". Which I wasn't, It does happen sometimes.

Here is SS. And It is Serious Ban I Gues. Becouse I am Banned already 1Week and I am Trying every day 10000000 times but it writes So "You are Banned From The Server"


make an unban request and the damn story going to end xD

Unaban Request Here?

Becouse I have Already Made Unban Request on the Server Forum But I am Not Banned From The Server :P

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