Help Me SA:MP admins Please - Printable Version
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Help Me SA:MP admins Please -
sanoge - 07.06.2009
Hello All. I did Not Know where to Post. I have One great Problem and I Need SA:MP admins and Scripters Help. I have Bug.
Almost 1 week ago I was Banned From SA:MP ValhallaGaming Roleplay Server. I talked To all Admins of the Server and They Told Me I were Not Banned From There server and I was Not In Ban List. It was Something Bug. So I Need Your Help ASAP. Cause I wanna Play. Tanks Beforehand. I hope You will help me
Re: Help Me SA:MP admins Please -
Correlli - 07.06.2009
So what do you see when you connect to their server? Any message?
Re: Help Me SA:MP admins Please -
HuRRiCaNe - 07.06.2009
it was like
conection lost , retryining
You are banned from this server
Re: Help Me SA:MP admins Please -
[HiC]TheKiller - 08.06.2009
Originally Posted by BiG_Sm0k3
it was like
conection lost , retryining
You are banned from this server
It is either a glitch (sometimes that happens) or you seriously are banned
Re: Help Me SA:MP admins Please -
Abernethy - 08.06.2009
Yeah. Make sure you've full connection. The server isn't full. The server isn't crashing. I've connected to a message "You're banned from this server". Which I wasn't, It
does happen sometimes.
Re: Help Me SA:MP admins Please -
sanoge - 08.06.2009
Here is SS. And It is Serious Ban I Gues. Becouse I am Banned already 1Week and I am Trying every day 10000000 times but it writes So "You are Banned From The Server"
Re: Help Me SA:MP admins Please -
propilot - 08.06.2009
make an unban request and the damn story going to end xD
Re: Help Me SA:MP admins Please -
sanoge - 08.06.2009
Unaban Request Here?
Becouse I have Already Made Unban Request on the Server Forum But I am Not Banned From The Server :P