16.05.2014, 04:56
I have two questions:
1. I'm trying to use 2D array on enum pInfo and it gives me errors like unmatched bracket...
pContactName is a 2D array, when i compile pAdmin is shown as error 'undefinied symbol'
2. KillTimer function, if i set a timer without repeating function will i have to kill it when i need using KillTimer (as repeating timer)
1. I'm trying to use 2D array on enum pInfo and it gives me errors like unmatched bracket...
pContactName is a 2D array, when i compile pAdmin is shown as error 'undefinied symbol'
enum pInfo { pContactNum[32][8], pAdmin, } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];
SetTImer("blabla", 5000, false); // will i have to kill it in the end of using it?