Help needed

Hey there SA-MP Community.

I am having this error while compiling the code:
"(17130) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)"

Code HERE:
CMD:level3(playerid,params[]) {
	#pragma unused params
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3)
 ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{46BEE6}Level 3 Commands:", " /giveweapon, /sethealth, /setarmour, /givecash, /setskin, /setwanted, /setname, /setweather \n /settime, /setworld, /setinterior, /force, /eject, /bankrupt, /sbankrupt, /ubound \n /lweaps, /countdown, /lammo, /lcar, /lplane, /lhunter, /lrhino, /lseas \n /lsparrow, /lhydra, /carhealth, ,/carcolour, /setping, /announce, /announce2, /destroycar \n /warp, /teleplayer, /vget, /givecar, /givebike, /gethere, /get, /explode \n /jail, /unjail, /freeze, /unfreeze, /akill, /aka, /cac, /caps \n /move, /moveplayer, /healall, /armourall, /lweather, /ltime, /lweapons", "Okay", "Close");
	  } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: You need to be level 3 to use this command");
	return 1;
NOTE: ShowPlayerDialog is the line 17130.

Thanks in advance.


Use strcat.

pawn Код:
new dialog[256];
strcat(dialog,"Your dialog info here1 \n");
strcat(dialog,"Your dialog info here2 \n");
strcat(dialog,"Your dialog info here3 \n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,125,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{46BEE6}Level 3 Commands:",dialog,"Okay", "Close");

Your line is tooo big, so use strcat functions...

Just use this!

pawn Код:
CMD:level3(playerid,params[]) {
    #pragma unused params
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3)
new string[1024];
strcat(string, "/giveweapon, /sethealth, /setarmour, /givecash, /setskin, /setwanted, /setname, /setweather \n");
strcat(string, "/settime, /setworld, /setinterior, /force, /eject, /bankrupt, /sbankrupt, /ubound \n");
strcat(string, "/lweaps, /countdown, /lammo, /lcar, /lplane, /lhunter, /lrhino, /lseas \n");
strcat(string, "/lsparrow, /lhydra, /carhealth, ,/carcolour, /setping, /announce, /announce2, /destroycar \n");
strcat(string, "/warp, /teleplayer, /vget, /givecar, /givebike, /gethere, /get, /explode \n");
strcat(string, "/jail, /unjail, /freeze, /unfreeze, /akill, /aka, /cac, /caps \n");
strcat(string, "/move, /moveplayer, /healall, /armourall, /lweather, /ltime, /lweapons");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{46BEE6}Level 3 Commands:",string, "Okay", "Close");
 } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: You need to be level 3 to use this command");
return 1;
Did this work?

The string is too long, use strcat.
EDIT: Late

Your string is too long therefore use strcat.

Thank you very much to all of you, issue fixed now!

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