Pawn Compiler Bug

I think its only in windows 8.1
but when i compile something in Pawn it launches GTA SA and connects me to :7777 server

So if you have any answers for this or you had this issue please post it here any tips will be helpful

Also if its not fixable i will just stick around to Notepad++


i fixed the bug windows 8.1 is not compitiable with pawncc


Change Pawn.exe and pawncc.exe compitability to Windows Xp Service Pack 3

Which IDE are you using? Are you using pawno?

i already solved the problem and i am using PAWN

the problem was that it isn't compitiable to windows 8.1 so you only need to change compitibilty to Windows XP

Go to pawncc.exe - properties - Compatibility - Change it to Windows XP and its solved also do the same to Pawno.exe

It has nothing to do with Windows 8.1 because I'm running 8.1 and Pawn works just fine without compatibility mode.

It's something you have set in Pawno...

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