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Pawn Compiler Bug - Printable Version

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Pawn Compiler Bug - DarkLored - 27.03.2014

I think its only in windows 8.1
but when i compile something in Pawn it launches GTA SA and connects me to :7777 server

So if you have any answers for this or you had this issue please post it here any tips will be helpful

Also if its not fixable i will just stick around to Notepad++

Re: Pawn Compiler Bug - DarkLored - 28.03.2014


i fixed the bug windows 8.1 is not compitiable with pawncc


Change Pawn.exe and pawncc.exe compitability to Windows Xp Service Pack 3

Re: Pawn Compiler Bug - MP2 - 29.03.2014

Which IDE are you using? Are you using pawno?

Re: Pawn Compiler Bug - DarkLored - 29.03.2014

i already solved the problem and i am using PAWN

the problem was that it isn't compitiable to windows 8.1 so you only need to change compitibilty to Windows XP

Go to pawncc.exe - properties - Compatibility - Change it to Windows XP and its solved also do the same to Pawno.exe

Re: Pawn Compiler Bug - admiralspeedy - 07.04.2014

It has nothing to do with Windows 8.1 because I'm running 8.1 and Pawn works just fine without compatibility mode.

It's something you have set in Pawno...