Why so much rp servers?

RP servers more then samp players

Personally think that rp servers are boring.

Originally Posted by Gen3i
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Personally think that rp servers are boring.
Yeah, u can't even speak to anyone unless u are near. i get fked up when idk what to do in RP :@

I can see the appeal of RP, proper RP. And people grab ahold of SA-MP eagerly simply because its so scriptable, adaptable. They can create their own world, a universe with the rules and ideals they want. Not many things give them this option. (Possibly second life, RP areas are popular there but that has its own issues).

And I can totally see the appeal of a proper RP GTA, somewhere that provides the freedom and experiences of single player but with humans populating the city, not peds. In fact RP GTA is something I always desired even before the first generation of online mods began to appear. I've just not found any server that actually provides this yet - If I take a break from my cash earning mission/job, jack a car, drive on the wrong side of the road, running over 3 people on the way to the beach. Then blow up my car from a distance so it kills a cop, I would likely get banned from the current trend in RP servers. But that is GTA.
(Freeroam, DM and TDM don't quite provide this 'Genuine GTA RP' either, but they are closer)

There is ton of rp servers becouse roleplay gamemode is based on the real life its very cool and better than dm stunt drift and others stupid servers.

Originally Posted by Pr0GreSiVe
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There is ton of rp servers becouse roleplay gamemode is based on the real life its very cool and better than dm stunt drift and others stupid servers.
Why RP In SA-MP , If we RP Everyday , Every-time, Everywhere ... Other Servers Are Not Stupid But You Are Stupid ... Possibly Newbie on SA-MP

OT : There are Loads of RP Because Someone Leaked NG:RP Script And Most Of Crappy RP Servers Use That Script

I also enjoy a good role play server but trying to find one where the admins are not assholes is like trying to find a duplicate snowflake in a snowstorm. That seems to be what most people complain about and that is the actions of the admins who run and administrate the server. They forget that the admins should be there to help the community members and teach them if they need to learn. Banning or kicking a player who does something wrong only because you can ban a person does not make you a good admin. On a rp server the ban should be your last tool you use for those stubborn players who joined just to cause a disruption.

The reverse is true for dm/tdm servers as you should ban quickly those who get on there and call themselves skilled but then use health/weapon hacks to beat everyone. Not much skill involved if you have no chance of being killed.

As for admins, they should be required to have 2 accounts. One they use to actually play the game and another that they use just when they are onduty. The play account should not have any power whatsoever and you should also make sure that your admins do not use any hacks neither. I have been on several servers where admins use hacks but slam that ban button on others. Admins can get around a map and do what is needed without the need for hacks.

^ I know right, every server I've been to has corrupted admins

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