29.11.2013, 15:17
I'm still having the same problem..
Only the first one(Server Name) works/shows..
Here are the codes ->
I tried using TextDrawShowForPlayer etc.., but still no luck D:
Only the first one(Server Name) works/shows..
Here are the codes ->
pawn Код:
new Text:ServerName;
new Text:Tutorial1;
pawn Код:
ServerName = TextDrawCreate(475.000000, 12.500000, "..::~r~KYA ~b~Stunt Server ~w~v0.6a::..");//485, 10 is the original thing
TextDrawBackgroundColor(ServerName, 255);
TextDrawFont(ServerName, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(ServerName, 0.330000, 1.200000);
TextDrawColor(ServerName, -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(ServerName, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(ServerName, 1);
Tutorial1 = TextDrawCreate(3 ,458 , "Teleports - /teles | Commands - /cmds | Stats - /stats");
TextDrawFont(Tutorial1 , 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(Tutorial1 , 0.6, 4.2);
TextDrawColor(Tutorial1 , 0x6a8bccFF);
TextDrawSetOutline(Tutorial1 , false);
TextDrawSetProportional(Tutorial1 , true);
TextDrawSetShadow(Tutorial1 , 1);
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
return 1;