Help with car

Hello, I'm looking for car spawn command. For example you say /vinfernus and for you spawned infernus.
Car must save the position, where you say the /vinfernus command. Spawned car car use only gang memebrs. Gang ID: [GangID] < 1).This command can use only the gang leader: [GangRank] < 5) You must pay money for car.
Please help me. Thanks.

P.S Sorry for bad english :P

Sure we'll help you, but show some initiative first. Have you tried writing anything by yourself?

first learn Y_ini and register & login System

watch some tuts

then learn something about admin system and commands (tuts)

and you'll be able to do it by your self

Ya, I'm tryed do something, but....I can do simple command, but now i need this command for my gang system. Please help me.

Misiur you from Poland?

Please help me

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