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Help with car - Printable Version

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Help with car - ,TomY' - 09.08.2013

Hello, I'm looking for car spawn command. For example you say /vinfernus and for you spawned infernus.
Car must save the position, where you say the /vinfernus command. Spawned car car use only gang memebrs. Gang ID: [GangID] < 1).This command can use only the gang leader: [GangRank] < 5) You must pay money for car.
Please help me. Thanks.

P.S Sorry for bad english :P

Re: Help with car - Misiur - 09.08.2013

Sure we'll help you, but show some initiative first. Have you tried writing anything by yourself?

Re: Help with car - verlaj - 09.08.2013

first learn Y_ini and register & login System

watch some tuts

then learn something about admin system and commands (tuts)

and you'll be able to do it by your self

Re: Help with car - ,TomY' - 09.08.2013

Ya, I'm tryed do something, but....I can do simple command, but now i need this command for my gang system. Please help me.

Misiur you from Poland?

Re: Help with car - ,TomY' - 09.08.2013

Please help me