Host Server...

Well, hello guys !
I did this post because, I will pay a host..
well if you wanna see your server hosted, send a message about your server.. with this format

Type of server?[TDM/DM/RP/Stuns/etc]:
Your Real Name:
Name in Samp:
Did you create the server or just downloaded?:
your age:
your country:
Are you admin/owner from another server..?:
I will pay the host !
with 50 players first, I will pay the web site, and the host ! for one month, if the server is good... I will pay the next month and the next..blablabla...
you know it, so.. tell me about your server
recomended TDM Server or DM.
Add me n FB if you want talk with me
-fb removed- send a pm if you want my fb and talk with me

NOTE: If you talk Spanish/portuguese
Send the message in spanish or portuguese
i speak english and spanish, not much portuguese..!

OTHER NOTE and more info about the host:
-well i will decide who will be hosted, he will be my friend, NOT IDIOTS PLEASE<<<---
-Server will be hosted with
-the server will be hosted 22-august-2013 at 15:00 or idk (undefined)
-50 slots
-the web-site, I don't know if the web-site is included.... i will get more info about it (later)...
-if you have a question or suggestion, reply here !
-i need people really really serious (NOT IDIOTS)..

Idk if this is the correct section ! if isn't it.
move it please admins!
Thank you and have a nice day/night....
-RafaelZam sorry if my english is bad..

5 messages received !
i need more pls, more suggestions !
prefer TDM server

If you really wanna spend cash for unknown people, then please pay my house rent. Haven't paid it since 1 month.

I need $1250 for my new computer. Can you send this to my PayPal please?

Id like a new truck, and if possible, i only accept gold nuggets.

Originally Posted by JCooper
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Id like a new truck, and if possible, i only accept gold nuggets.
Like the ones from McDonalds?

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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Like the ones from McDonalds?
Depends, is it middle of watch?

._. :C
I will pay the host bcz i wanna create a new community

If you really wanna spend cash for unknown people, then please pay my house rent. Haven't paid it since 1 month.

not unknown ppl, I need to know him ! im not stupid ( i guess)


I need $1250 for my new computer. Can you send this to my PayPal please?

Hahahahahahhahaah ! of course, nah, i have not too much money :c

Id like a new truck, and if possible, i only accept gold nuggets.

I'll send you the nuggets :3 e_E !
really that i will pay the host, but i need a good server, prefer tdm

6 messages received... /bump

Okay, you're willing to donate to RealCop for his new computer but you don't have the money. Can you buy me a new pair of socks? It's cheaper than a game server and RealCop's gameserver :3 send the money to my paypal please.


Okay, you're willing to donate to RealCop for his new computer but you don't have the money. Can you buy me a new pair of socks? It's cheaper than a game server and RealCop's gameserver :3 send the money to my paypal please.

:3 i have the money :3 xD im not a liar...
i'm not lying...:3

Originally Posted by Rafael_Zambrano
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:3 i have the money
LIES! Tell the truth!

* shines a bright light in your face

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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LIES! Tell the truth!

* shines a bright light in your face
lol ! :3, nah i use this face all the time :3, see? see? oh oh rafaelzam is in problems D: ! nah
i will pay for it !

shines a bright light in your face

maybe it's my comet face :c xD jk
edited: btw I will buy a computer for you ! !

hmmm so let me get this right.

you ordered a server from volt host and you want to give players a chance to run hes own server but you missed something.

Volt host:


Volt Host reserves the right to modify these terms of service at any given time without any given warning. It is the Volt Host users own responsibility to check back and stay updated with the terms of service.
The data which is stored on the our services is only allowed to be used for data regarding that service.
Volt Host game servers may not be used for hostname spamming purposes. Such activity is commonly prohibited by masterlist regulations. If a cluster of servers is found to be used for hostname spamming, they shall be cancelled without refund.
A Volt Host users request, manner of the request and complexity of the issue will affect the response time, we try to respond to all support tickets within 6 - 24 hours at the latest, however elevated request times can increase this.
Volt Host users are asked to be respectful towards Volt Host staff, failure to comply will result in a ban on the users account from accessing support services.
Volt Host will guarantee to host its servers on datacenters which have an SLA of 99.98% uptime or greater, however server issues do still occur -- if there is downtime on your service, Volt Host will keep you updated via the control panel system and will refund downtime accordingly depending on the severity of the issue. No transaction refunds will be provided for downtime.
The Volt Host user agrees to not abuse or exploit potential bugs in our software, and to report them to support instantly if they are found.
Volt Host users are not allowed to resell our services at any time without prior written permission from Volt Host.
Volt Host users may not use our services to demote the reputation of Volt Host or companies which are directly affiliated with, or are subsidiaries of Volt Host.
Volt Host users must renew their services on time, else they shall be deactivated. If a Volt Host user cannot renew his service on time, it is his or her sole responsibility to contact support and work out a solution.
Servers will be de-hibernated during server moves, it is the Volt Host users responsibility to keep up to date and their hibernation resumed if such a move does occur.
It is the Volt Host users sole responsibility to keep their data safe. Volt Host cannot be held responsible for any data loss, while we do maintain several features which assist with data consistency and protection within our control panel system.
Currently the site is only available in English, therefore the Volt Host user must arrange for his/her own conversion to his/her language if necessary.
Volt Host users are not allowed to transfer ownership of their accounts without prior consent from an authorized Volt Host account manager.
Several data protection methods are employed at Volt Host to protect our client data. All administrators at Volt Host are able to access data regarding your IP address, logins, full name, username and email for customer service and validation purposes. If you do not agree to these conditions, either (a) do not purchase a server from Volt Host, or (b) if you would not like to disclose your full name, please set your full name to either just your first name or another name which you would like us to refer to you by via our customer service system.
While Volt Host retains backups of it's servers, it is the users sole responsibility to keep additional backups of their data. Volt Host cannot be held liable for any loss of data due to the user not keeping backups of their data.
One Volt Host account is allowed per person.


Volt Host users are not allowed to resell our services at any time without prior written permission from Volt Host.


Volt Host users may not use our services to demote the reputation of Volt Host or companies which are directly affiliated with, or are subsidiaries of Volt Host.


One Volt Host account is allowed per person.

those are term of use from your hoster

2nd: you just advertising here so its 99.9% its scamming you want to steal ppl script.

3rd: you want to host for people use a vps and not owned by anyone.

Thats all.

Originally Posted by AoWDarkAge
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hmmm so let me get this right.

you ordered a server from volt host and you want to give players a chance to run hes own server but you missed something.

Volt host:

those are term of use from your hoster

2nd: you just advertising here so its 99.9% its scamming you want to steal ppl script.

3rd: you want to host for people use a vps and not owned by anyone.

Thats all.
well what can i say... maybe you don't understand...
i'm opening a new server, a server with other guy(s)...
i will be the owner like the guy that is interested in this thread, i'm just searching someone that want open a new community ..... and i need a server to do this .. what i'm searching?, i'm searching someone who have a server but haven't money to "host" the server and have a good server...., what does mean?, this means that i will be something in the server that will be open... if you don't understand this topic(maybe nobody understand) don't post here anymore, thank you, you get it?
someone lock this topic, i get a guy that want open a community with me

PD: i only want help to the people that haven't money, and have a good server.., of course i won't give my money to him, i will open the server with him..
the guy is already selected.
LOCK THIS<</ sorry for my bad English

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