Script Request Thread #2

Originally Posted by speedy199
I want engine system script.

I search found script but script don't work.

I want to type /engine and press key "SHIFT" to engine startup and /turnoff to engine break down.

and set to Vehicle have Health = 500 vehicle has engine broken down and want to try start engine again.


I found this =

But cannot login and cannot to start engine.


I'm sorry english my not so good.
What about this?

Im upload the pis, 3 mins man

what is the gate ID?

i mean the object that will be the gate

696 or 971 I prefer the 969

i made with one that i liked more, and they are moving inside the ground, i think its better.

I made you that, now try to make what you want alone.

Hello my fellow SA-MP Addicters and Community. I've been working lately on an unique project specializing features into a deathmatch script. Though I won't go into details at the moment. And in the middle of my scripting and desperation I came to a system I have never of tried, whilst and unbelieve able hard (Atleast for me) No matter how much I try it keep failuring. So I am here to request a whole system..I know it is alot to ask, but if someone felt bored, or wished to help I and a server out it would be indescribeable perfect. So if you are one willing to script an admin system after these downed PLEASE add me to msn or reach me at (Jok4R) or PM me here. I repeat we would be so cheerful and you'd be mentioned in credits, forums, and everything likely.


Level 1[/b] (Trial Adminstrator)

/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /cp /viewcmds /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)

Level 2 (New Adminstrator)

/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /warn /viewcmds /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)

Level 3 (Main Adminstrator)

/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /banip /setname /bslap /unwarn /fa /ufa /faa /viewcmds /gotoveh /getveh /disarm /refuelall /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)

Level 5(Pre-Lead Adminstrator)

/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /banip /setname /bslap /unwarn /fa /ufa /faa /viewcmds /gotoveh /getveh /akill /missile /aclearshat /setweather /settime /announce /bc /setskinperm /disarm /refuelall /sethp /setarmor /healall /armorall /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)

Level 10 (Lead Adminstrator)

/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /banip /setname /bslap /unwarn /fa /ufa /faa /viewcmds /gotoveh /getveh /akill /missile /aclearshat /setweather /settime /announce /bc /setskinperm /rangeban /setgravity /setcash /givecash /asellbiz /asellhouse /editcar /edithouse /editbiz /giveweapon /disarm /sethp /setarmor /gmx /healall /armorall /kickall /getall /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)

Level 1337 (Server Owner)

/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /banip /setname /bslap /unwarn /fa /ufa /faa /viewcmds /gotoveh /getveh /akill /missile /aclearshat /setweather /settime /announce /bc /setskinperm /rangeban /setgravity /setcash /givecash /asellbiz /asellhouse /editcar /edithouse /editbiz /giveweapon /disarm /sethp /setarmor /makeadmin /kickall /healall /armorall /getall /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)

Kindest Regards
Jok4R, Specialized Deathmatch.

This is the script request topic not the gamemode | filterscript request topic - noone will make that


How can I make interior of HQ?

I mean i got some place i want to make it with interior, than to make TP to there.

Help someone?

Send link if have guide...


Yes please send a link to the guide of making interior....!!!!

can anyone make me a /tackle [id] command so that the person being tackled is in the /crack anim frozen for 8 seconds, and a /knockout [id] command that only works if the person has a melee weapon such as a bat, which would make the person being knocked out do the /crack anim while frozen for 30 seconds.

also randomize it so sometimes the tackle or knockout would fail

also can you add a /rob command that takes a random amount of money from the person but only works if knocked out.

thank you i know i'm a noob but im trying to learn, thanks for the help guys

Originally Posted by Taz86

How can I make interior of HQ?

I mean i got some place i want to make it with interior, than to make TP to there.

Help someone?

Send link if have guide...

You just need an object editor. Just make the interior and teleport the player to it when they touch an icon of some sort.

Hi there
Someone could make a Stunt/DM Gamemode for noobies, that everyone could use it, it be very usefull to me or any other nuubie


I need a script that make my house system to not show: "Cost: XXXXX" in the chat if the house have a owner...

Here is the "hInfo" if the house got owner...

If that one is: "State" the house doesn't have a owner... Else, it does have a owner.

here's the code for the "GetHouseStats" that shows the: "Cost: XXXXX"

pawn Код:
stock GetHouseStats(playerid, hid)
    new str2[256];
    format(str2,sizeof(str2),"Cost: %i",hInfo[hid][Cost]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, c_y, str2);
    return 1;

Okay, I've been looking for this ever scinse I joined SZR:GTA Roleplay, so basically you go upto a door at any house / appartment, better yet anywhere on the map, and type '/buyhouse entrance' it pretty much saves the players possistion and puts a house entrance, next they will stand where ever they want there house car to be, thats when they type '/buyhouse car' then the car will spawn, after the had done that, the would need to type '/buyhouse level [1-10]' then everything is set and they have there house, no restart needed, if someone could make something like that, that would be great, tell me if mySQL is involved, so that I can get it set in the database, thank you.

can some1 make a register, login and logout command
EDIT: and that if i exit the game and re-enter i will spawn in the location i was before i exited

Originally Posted by Drift_King786
can some1 make a register, login and logout command
EDIT: and that if i exit the game and re-enter i will spawn in the location i was before i exited
Here I made this. It should work. You need DUDB. The only thing that may not work is the setting their position. When they leave, it gets their position and saves it. The only thing is, by the time it gets their position, it might be too late and the game has reset it.

Originally Posted by simjus
Do you know any good Jobs script?
I found one here:
But it's a little buggy....
Hey, I think my post was accidentally skiped..
I really need help:
I need ONLY a police job,
Admin will use command (like /cop playerid ) and will make another player a cop.
Thank you..

its more an help request, does someones has a mysql house system (or the loading part) ty/

how in pawn write from 0 to 50 ?

Originally Posted by Dreftas
how in pawn write from 0 to 50 ?
in a switch statment ?

case 0..50: {}

or if you want to do it in an array

new Array[50] = {0, 1, 2, ...};

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