Can help me with this

Here you see. It change because it auto message not a Textdraw so who can make auto message like this i hope you can help me with this.


new Text:ShadowsRandom;
new RandomMessages[][] =
"~b~W.A.R-roleplay ! ~w~",
"~b~Ban dang choi tai sever W.A.R.ROLEPLAY ~w~",
"~b~Luon doc luat choi de biet va tranh nhung dieu khong tot! ~w~",
"~b~Go /trogiup de xem cac ma lenh!",
"~b~Go /thongtin de biet them thong tin ve nhan vat cua ban! ~w~",
"~b~/GPS de tim nhung dia diem trong sever! ~w~",
"~b~Hay len forum va cung hoat dong soi noi ! Lam quen ban be ~w~",
"~b~Khong su dung Hack;Cheat;Cleo -> Banned !!! ~w~",
"~b~Yahoo Admin ~w~",
"~b~Hay luon ung ho va dong gop them cho sever ~w~",
"~b~Neu thay hay , hay ru ban be cung choi ~w~",
"~b~Chuc ban mot ngay tot lanh ~w~",
"~b~nhan quа tai. house Rewars trong Trung tam thanh pho ~w~",
"~b~Call 911 -> /call 911 de goi cho Police and Bac Si ~w~",
"~b~khi gap tъ hoаng o cбc noi nhu sf,ls thi hay bao ngay cho quвn doi ~w~",
"~b~ko su dung hack , cheats ban se bi khoa tai khoang hoac giam tщ ~w~",
"~b~Forum : ~w~"

forward RandomMessage();
public RandomMessage()
TextDrawSetString(ShadowsRandom, RandomMessages[random(sizeof(RandomMessages))]);
return 1;

I have the same code but my problem is the color of the text in auto message. How i can make a orange text like this ~b~ or ~r~ this isn't has code for the Orange Color help me

go search for what are text draws and things on it

Cant view the image.

This's not textdraw. This is auto message but it be set to under the sceen !!!!!!

under the screen?
how can you see it then?

Re upload the picture, nobody has a clue, we can't see it.

I was reload pic so you can show again

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