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Can help me with this - Printable Version

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Can help me with this - Kenxxx - 25.05.2013

Here you see. It change because it auto message not a Textdraw so who can make auto message like this i hope you can help me with this.


new Text:ShadowsRandom;
new RandomMessages[][] =
"~b~W.A.R-roleplay ! ~w~",
"~b~Ban dang choi tai sever W.A.R.ROLEPLAY ~w~",
"~b~Luon doc luat choi de biet va tranh nhung dieu khong tot! ~w~",
"~b~Go /trogiup de xem cac ma lenh!",
"~b~Go /thongtin de biet them thong tin ve nhan vat cua ban! ~w~",
"~b~/GPS de tim nhung dia diem trong sever! ~w~",
"~b~Hay len forum va cung hoat dong soi noi ! Lam quen ban be ~w~",
"~b~Khong su dung Hack;Cheat;Cleo -> Banned !!! ~w~",
"~b~Yahoo Admin ~w~",
"~b~Hay luon ung ho va dong gop them cho sever ~w~",
"~b~Neu thay hay , hay ru ban be cung choi ~w~",
"~b~Chuc ban mot ngay tot lanh ~w~",
"~b~nhan quа tai. house Rewars trong Trung tam thanh pho ~w~",
"~b~Call 911 -> /call 911 de goi cho Police and Bac Si ~w~",
"~b~khi gap tъ hoаng o cбc noi nhu sf,ls thi hay bao ngay cho quвn doi ~w~",
"~b~ko su dung hack , cheats ban se bi khoa tai khoang hoac giam tщ ~w~",
"~b~Forum : ~w~"

forward RandomMessage();
public RandomMessage()
TextDrawSetString(ShadowsRandom, RandomMessages[random(sizeof(RandomMessages))]);
return 1;

I have the same code but my problem is the color of the text in auto message. How i can make a orange text like this ~b~ or ~r~ this isn't has code for the Orange Color help me

Re: Can help me with this - Abhishek. - 25.05.2013

go search for what are text draws and things on it

Re: Can help me with this - punklord - 25.05.2013

Cant view the image.

Re: Can help me with this - Kenxxx - 25.05.2013

This's not textdraw. This is auto message but it be set to under the sceen !!!!!!

Re: Can help me with this - Abhishek. - 25.05.2013

under the screen?
how can you see it then?

Re: Can help me with this - DobbysGamertag - 25.05.2013

Re upload the picture, nobody has a clue, we can't see it.

Re: Can help me with this - Kenxxx - 26.05.2013

I was reload pic so you can show again