15.05.2013, 22:35
I Think this is the only gf edit people don't give out about it

How to Change Max Player Biz, House, Vehicle Garages Setting ? And how to make irc channel ? And How to talk with my friends with Walkie Talkie Channel ?
how make a admin in THIS GM ?
when I change server.cfg , and I change rcon_password became asasas so I use cmd /rcon login asasas so there are Info : Server Closed the connection Why ....? |
Help me fix error this
C:\Documents and Settings\Skamylove\Desktop\U-RP [ENG - 0.3x]\gamemodes\U-RP.pwn(29035) : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero C:\Documents and Settings\Skamylove\Desktop\U-RP [ENG - 0.3x]\gamemodes\U-RP.pwn(103951) : warning 217: loose indentation C:\Documents and Settings\Skamylove\Desktop\U-RP [ENG - 0.3x]\gamemodes\U-RP.pwn(104096) : warning 217: loose indentation C:\Documents and Settings\Skamylove\Desktop\U-RP [ENG - 0.3x]\gamemodes\U-RP.pwn(28181) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "InfoBoardTimer" C:\Documents and Settings\Skamylove\Desktop\U-RP [ENG - 0.3x]\gamemodes\U-RP.pwn(56413) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "iSweeper" |
Few Buggs/Questionsif anyone could fix it it would be Awsome) 1./accept vehicle Dos'ent work 2.Cant /exit City Hall 3.EMS gate wont open 4.Car color wont save.(FIXED) 5.how do i open the Red and white gate(Like LSPD) 6.What is the command to de/respawn a car 7.How do i find my vehicale? 8.Paintball is bugged :P 9.How do i take a driving Test? 10.Is /setplate Working? 11.Am i able to change the lottery wining prize?(MONEY) 12.Am i able to change the /ad cost? 13.Am i able to set time? 14.Where is the Trashman job Located(i think n i saw it in that bugged area next to a farm..) 15.garage bugg? 16. Am i able to Edit map? 17.There is a place next to the beach highway..[When you keep on going from Bambok Beach] Its like a parking lot.. Anyone know how to open the Gate? |
#define MAX_GARAGES 150