[GameMode] United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique]

United Gaming RP


- Just to get it straight , In my opinion - This is one of the most unique scripts I've saw in SA-MP [RP] , However - There are much better , But in this RP level - I think that it's one of the best.. Anyway - I didn't ever think about releasing this script.. I've spent over 1 year working on it. Creating / Editing / Fixing / Removing ... etc - It wasn't easy for me to create it as I am not good enough with PAWN - However , I did my best with it - Alot of scripters helped me - Alot of beta-testers tested with me. And so on - Anyway.. Before launching the server.. The Community owner scammed me - Took the script and got rid of me , However.. He couldn't maintain the server so he closed it - I decided to sell it.. Atleast to make something from it... Sold it few times.. And got scammed ALOT [Yea - I am a fool in selling xD] - However.. People who scammed me started to sell it.. Claiming that they have made the script.. The funny thing is - Few days ago.. A guy tried to sell me it claiming that he created it - So ya , It's useless for me to watch people making money from it and using it.. without even knowing.
So yea - I decided to release it.


- Totally Dynamic Business system

Ability for admins to create/edit/delete businesses IG - Set their price/level/owner - The business owner has the ability to change the products price IG - Has the ability to re-name the business - Or even set it's entrance fee.

10 Types - [24/7 - Electronics - Clothes Store - Fast Food - Radio Shop - Club - Bar - Casino - Bank - Locks Store]

Each type has it's own products.

- /bizint for a list of GTA:SA businesses interiors.

- Totally Dynamic House system

Ability for admins to create/edit/delete houses IG - Set their price/level/owner - The house owner has the ability to store drugs/items/cash in the house safe - Or even setup a Lock/Alarm for it , House owners can put the house for rent - Normal people can rent it and the rent fee will took from the paycheck each hour.

- /houseint for a list of GTA:SA Interiors
- /chouseint for a list of custom house interiors [12 interior]

- Totally Dynamic Garage system

Ability for admins to create/edit/delete garages IG - Set their Price/Level/Owner/Size - The garage owner has the ability to park his owned vehicle inside [or any vehicle] - He has the ability to tune/refill/fix it inside - He has the ability to lock/unlock the garage.

Sizes : Small/Medium/Big - Each size has it's own interior.

- Totally Dynamic faction system

Ability for admins to create/edit/delete factions IG.

Admins have the ability to re-name any faction.
Admins have the ability to create divisions for any faction.
Admins have the ability to add skins for any faction.
Admins have the ability to add/edit/remove ranks for any faction.
Admins have the abiltiy to re-color any faction.
Admins have the ability to purge a faction.
- Each faction has it's own custom commands
- Each faction has it's own lockers
- Each faction has it's own custom HQ

- 10 faction slots.

- Totally Dynamic family system

Admins have the ability to create/delete/edit any family IG.

[It's the normal family system as in the GF Script - No need to explain.

- Totally Dynamic Point system

Admins have the ability to create/edit/delete Points IG.
Admins have the ability to edit the point location IG
Admins have the ability to edit the point profit IG
Admins have the ability to re-name the point IG
Admins have the ability to edit the point owner/ID/family/faction IG.
- Families have the ability to capture the point - They gain the profit each paycheck in the family safe.

- Totally Dynamic motel system

[Note : This system is not really functional - As I didn't continue working on it]

Admins have the abiltiy to create/delete/edit Motels IG.
Admins have the abiltiy to re-name the motel IG.
Admins have the ability to change the motel interior/exterior IG.

- Totally Dynamic ATM system

Admins have the ability to create/edit/delete ATM's IG.
Admins have the abiltiy to put/remove cash from the ATM
Admins have the ability to lock/unlock any ATM
- Users must register an ATM card from any local-bank inorder to be able to use the ATM.

- Totally Dynamic Map-Box system

Admins have the ability to create/edit/delete Map-B's IG
Admins have the ability to edit the Map price IG.
- Users can buy a map from Map-Boxes
- users can use /viewmap OR /gps for a list of important locations in LS [Jobs , Banks, Dealerships , etc]

- Totally Dynamic Map-Icon system

Admins have the ability to create map-icons IG.
Admins have the ability to edit/create/delete map-icons IG
Admins have the ability to change the map-icon model IG.
Admins have the ability to change the map-icon location IG.

- Totally Dynamic Family HQ system

Admins have the ability to create/delete/edit Family HQ's IG
Admins have the ability to edit the HQ interior/exterior IG
- Family leaders [R5 / R6] have the ability to lock/unlock the HQ IG
- Family leaders [R5 / R6] have the ability to edit the HQ name IG.

- Totally Dynamic Faction HQ system

Admins have the ability to create/delete/edit Faction HQ's IG
Admins have the ability to edit the HQ interior/exterior IG
- Faction leaders have the ability to lock/unlock the HQ IG
- Faction leaders have the ability to edit the HQ name IG.

- Totally Dynamic Family-Gate system

Admins have the ability to create/delete/edit Family Gates IG.
Admins have the ability to set a pass for the family gate.
Admins have the ability to make the family-gate usable for the family members only.
Admins have the ability to edit the gate speed/location IG.

- Totally Dynamic Faction-Gate system

Admins have the ability to create/delete/edit Faction Gates IG.
Admins have the ability to set a pass for the Faction gate.
Admins have the ability to make the faction-gate usable for the Faction members only.
Admins have the ability to edit the gate speed/location IG.

- Totally Dynamic Entrance system

Admins have the ability to edit/create/delete entrances IG.
Admins have the ability to make the entrance faction/family usable only.
Admins have the ability to make the entrance vehicles enterable or not.
Admins have the ability to edit the entrance pickup model.
Admins have the abiltiy to edit the entrance 3DTEXTLABEL name.
Admins have the ability to edit the entrance GAMETEXT name.
Admins have the ability to make the entrance VIP only.
Admins have the ability to change the entrance interior/exterior IG.
Admins have the ability to lock/unlock the entrance.
Admins have the ability to add a wait-timer for the entrance [Usually for custom-interiors]

- Totally Dynamic Building system

[Note : It's the same as the Entrance system but less options]

- Read the entrance system features.

- Totally Dynamic Family-Vehicles system

Admins have the ability to create/delete/edit the family-vehicles IG.
Admins have the ability to make the vehicles locked/unlocked once spawned.
Admins have the ability to set the vehicle model/color
- Family members can lock/unlock the vehicles using /lockfcar.

- Totally Dynamic Information-Board system

[The system is bugged - The text doesn't appear - Fix it and you'll have an epic system]

Admins have the ability to create a board at any location.
Admins have the abiltiy to edit the board text.

- This system uses TD's and objects - The admins creates a board with a pickup infront of it - Once the user stand on it a board TD appear with the text inside it - Which can be edited IG [However - The text doesn't appear]

- Totally Dynamic Dealership system

Admins have the ability to create/delete/edit Dealerships vehicles IG
Admins have the ability to set the vehicle type/price/color/location IG.
Admins have the ability to create unlimited amount of vehicles for sale.
Admins have he ability to create boats/planes/vehicles/rc vehicle for sale [Any model in GTA:SA]
- Users have the ability to setup a radio for the vehicle [From any radios store]
- Users have the abiltiy to setup a lock for the vehicle [From any locks store]
- Users have the ability to park their vehicles
- Users have the ability to purchase 5 vehicles.
- Users have the ability to sell their vehicles to others users.

- Totally Dynamic OOC Shop / Gold Bars system

Admins have the ability to create/delete/edit OOC Shops IG
Admins have the ability to change the OOC Shop Object-Model IG
Admins have the ability to give gold bars as a gift
Admins have the ability to set the amount of gold-bars players have
- Users have the ability to use /oocshop at any shop for a list of gold-bar items.
- Users have the ability to gain gold-bars by doing achievments OR Donating
- Users have the ability to purchase [House/Business/Garage Ticket - Custom Vehicle - HP/Armor - And much more things from OOC shops]
- [Note : This system can make much money incase you are interested in gaining money from the server]

- Totally Dynamic Gas-Station system

Admins have the ability to create/edit/remove gas stations IG.
Admins have the ability to change the gas price IG
- Users have the ability to /refill their vehicles at any gas station

- Totally Dynamic Drive-Thru system

Admins have the abiity to create/edit/remove drive-thrus IG.
Admins have the ability to edit the drive-thru shop name IG.
Admins have the ability to edit the payment/recieve locations of each drive-thru IG.
Admins have the ability to link a drive-thru to any drive-thru.

- Totally Dynamic VIP lounges system

Admins have the ability to create a building/entrance and set its VIP level IG.
Admins have the ability to create/edit/delete the VIP Lounges IG.
- Users who has the VIP status can enter their lounge level [Or the lounges with less levels]

- Totally Dynamic money-bags ystem

Admins have the ability to create money-bags at any location.
Admins have the ability to set the bag-cash IG.
- Once the user find the bag-pickup , He'll recieve the cash.

- Totally Dynamic Gift-Box ystem

Admins have the ability to setup gift-boxs at any location
Admins have the ability to remove/delete it at any time.
- Users can get a gift daily. [24 hour]

- Accessories System [With 0.3e editor]
- Neon shops for vehicles [3 shops around LS]
- Custom faction commands
- Custom mapped locations/interiors/exteriors
- Radio system for vehicles/businesses/garages/houses
- Custom Drug/Weapon depots [Custom system - You'll have to discover by yourself]
- Custom admins commands
- Tolls system around LS exits.
- CD System for streaming music
- Boombox system with an object - Can be heared at a certain distance
- custom gym system
- Custom jobs with unique features [Fedex / Trucker / Trashman / Sweeper , etc - 18 job]
- Beta-Testers system [Ability to hire testers IG , with their own chat]
- Developers System [Ability to hire developers IG - With their own chat/tag]
- Famed System [Ability to give out famed status for users - With their own cmd's/tag/chat]
- Bus NPC's system rolling around LS with interiors [Credits to Addi]
- Siren system for normal vehicles [Cops]
- A Custom made prison [Thanks to Wennkie for the map] for the DoC - With a yard outside - 5 hours prison.
- Totally custom VIP System - With a custom lounge/commands/tags/levels/chat/perks - And much more.
- 5 VIP Levels - Each Level has it's own Perks/Features
- Totally custom helpers system for the /newbie chat - With a level system - each level has its own commands.
- Totally custom mappers system - Mappers have the ability to MAP OBJECTS IG with the custom map-editor.
- Totally dynamic event system with alot of features

Note : The script is 106,000 Line [106k] - So ya , It has MUCH MORE features , I can't remember any of them for now tho.

However - I'll update the topic later on.


Yes - This script has some bugs , You'll need to be abit exprienced inorder to fix them.

Known bugs :

- /accept vehicle
- Mapped Objects don't save.

And no - I won't be working ANYMORE on this script - So I won't be fixing any bugs.

Note : This script is not recommended for Scripting Beginners.



This code can be Distributed;
This code can not be used for commercial purposes;
This code may have derivations;
You must provide recognition of the original author.


- Creator

Me AKA CaRRoT AKA Tommy Martins

-Emmet Shawn for fixing ALOT of things , adding ALOT of things and ofcourse , Helping me out. [Special thanks to him].
- PaNoULiS for adding ALOT of things - Teaching me how to make alot of things [Special thaanks to him].
-Sig hansen for beta-testing/mapping , Supporting it and closing out servers who used the stolen version [The stolen version -had back-doors].
-FeaR for the original GF.
-Incognito for the streamer.
-The creator of SII.
-Zamaroth - Your Object Creation script and your textdraws maker made things pretty easier for me.
If i miss someone i am truely sorry, please tell me if you have to be added here.
-SA-MP forums for some maps
-SA-MP Team for SA-MP Itself

• Installation Guide •

1) Download the Full Script
2) Unzip it wherever you want.
3) Go to server.cfg and change the RCON Pass/Website
4) Add the Streamer Plugin.
5) Run the server.



Good luck with it - Hope you like it.

This is...... EPIC!

Just pure uniqueness.


It's looks nice, am gonna test it

Sounds amazing when i read this, i will try it out, thank you very much, keep on going man, great work!!

Good Job , But where is my credits :P :>

Ey buddy there's no a command to accept vehicles.. (/accept vehicle) there's just a command to offer them only (/sellvehicle)

Just for everyone, International Gaming Roleplay using the script before the release.
+Rep, John.

Originally Posted by Stanford
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Ey buddy there's no a command to accept vehicles.. (/accept vehicle) there's just a command to offer them only (/sellvehicle)
Thats why it is a bug .

Originally Posted by -CaRRoT
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-Emmet Shawn for fixing ALOT of things , And adding ALOT of things - Helping me out. [Special thanks to him].

Glad you liked my code

Nice awesome

I sense a big future for this script... just a shame its in strcmp and doesnt have mysql.. but oh well, it can all be changed

Great script! Awesome! Thank you for releasing it

EPIC, just its in strcmp, wish it was in zcmd, but GREAT job man

wow good gamemode mind if I use some parts for my gm il give credits?

server closed connection when log-in

Originally Posted by ajam123
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server closed connection when log-in
For me works fine.

How do you make VIP?

Originally Posted by Madox123
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For me works fine.

How do you make VIP?
Did i need to update streamer plugins?

/setvip or /makevip

what is the highest admin lvl?

Originally Posted by firemanjv
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what is the highest admin lvl?

No i mean where is VIP entrance and how can i do it IG..

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