So have you noticed some skins missing?

So have you?They aren't in skin ids.I've made this video just to show you some missing skins.I think they should get added in SA-MP in next version. [ame][/ame]

You only showed 3 skins...

Also, you must understand that some of these skins are only used in cut scenes and therefor do not have a proper collision.

Please, post your extremely horrible videos here.

You are spamming this section with your extremely horrible videos.

His extremely shitty videos don't have any sound. videos are awesome.

This video is shit. The best

There is another skin too - The one that appears at the dancing-car mission when you first meet up with Cesar - The azticas guy.

Well can't those collisions be made?

Afaik (object) models + collisions have been added to SA-MP in the previous versions, so why it couldn't be done with skins?

Originally Posted by SchurmanCQC
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Also, you must understand that some of these skins are only used in cut scenes and therefor do not have a proper collision.
You mean proper "Bone skinning"?

Isn't just a single collision common for all skins?

That little guy is actually downloadable with fixed collisions. But as always

Originally Posted by Danny.
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Well can't those collisions be made?

Afaik (object) models + collisions have been added to SA-MP in the previous versions, so why it couldn't be done with skins?
There's a maximum skin limit in the SA engine, we're hitting that limit.

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