Mysql creating tables

This is my first time as i create tables and use mysql , i made this but have some errors

and i get this error
 #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(11) NOT NULL, `pLastOn` TIMESTAMP(11) NOT NULL, `pHealth` FLOAT(11) NOT NULL, `' at line 1

You get this on the phpmyadmin page or on the Debug.txt file?
If it's on the Debug.txt file, post the code.

Its on the phpmyadmin page

The floats don't need values, AFAIK.. I'm really no expert with SQL but try removing the values from all the Floats. Same with timestamps - I really don't think they need length/values, so if the problem still occurs, try removing the values from them too.

Disclaimer: I have just started to (try) using MySQL to store user data myself, so I have really no idea what causes this error

That worked, thnaks larzi.
I made this but its still not showing the dialogs
pawn Код:
new rows = mysql_num_rows(); //We get how many rows the query returned.
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"Account Registration", ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"This account has "#COL_EMB_RED"not been registered"#COL_EMB_WHITE"!\n\nEnter your desired password below to register this account.", "Submit", "Leave");
    if(rows == 1)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"Account Authentication", ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"This account has "#COL_EMB_GREEN"been registered"#COL_EMB_WHITE"!\n\nEnter the account password below to proceed.", "Submit", "Leave");

Originally Posted by MadafakaPro
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That worked, thnaks larzi.
Like I suspected - no problem.

Originally Posted by MadafakaPro
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I made this but its still not showing the dialogs
pawn Код:
new rows = mysql_num_rows(); //We get how many rows the query returned.
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"Account Registration", ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"This account has "#COL_EMB_RED"not been registered"#COL_EMB_WHITE"!\n\nEnter your desired password below to register this account.", "Submit", "Leave");
    if(rows == 1)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"Account Authentication", ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"This account has "#COL_EMB_GREEN"been registered"#COL_EMB_WHITE"!\n\nEnter the account password below to proceed.", "Submit", "Leave");
Where'd you put that? Inside OnQueryFinish? (presuming you're using R6)

I am using R7 and i added this on OnPlayerConnect

If you're already using threaded queries (which is the only type R7 supports) I recommend updating to R15 as it adds a couple of extra features and fixed some bugs.


Now ontopic: You're using mysql_num_rows inside OnPlayerConnect. mysql_num_rows retrieves the number of rows from a result set after sending a SELECT or SHOW query. You'll need to send a SELECT query to check for the player in the table, then in the callback (which you specify) you can use cache_get_data to retrieve the data and check for rows. Here's an example gamemode using this method. I recommend reading it - it helped me a lot!


Send a SELECT query in OnPlayerConnect:

pawn Код:
    szQuery[ 90 ]
format( szQuery, sizeof( szQuery ), "SELECT * from `your_table_here` WHERE `name` = '%s' LIMIT 1", Name( playerid ));
mysql_function_query( handle, szQuery, true, "OnUserCheck", "i", playerid );
Check rows in the specified callback (OnUserCheck):

pawn Код:
forward OnUserCheck(playerid);
public OnUserCheck(playerid)
    cache_get_data( rows, fields, handle );
    if( rows )
        // exists - player should log in
        // doesn't exist - player should register
    return true;
And that's about it. Keep in mind that this is just a very very rough example.

You should read this tutorial: on using cache in R7 and newer

I love when people pull lines from my released GM's and say: "I made this, but..."

Why are you modifying the code from my GM? It worked perfectly where it was...

@RealCop228 Its not working i tryed to enter IG a\but the dialog didnt show up
And i didnt sayd i made the script i sayd i made the tables...

I didnt tryed that i will try tommorow and tell u if it works.. Thanks anyways.

And here is what i did..

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