Mysql creating tables -
MadafakaPro - 21.03.2013
This is my first time as i create tables and use mysql , i made this but have some errors

and i get this error
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(11) NOT NULL, `pLastOn` TIMESTAMP(11) NOT NULL, `pHealth` FLOAT(11) NOT NULL, `' at line 1
Re: Mysql creating tables -
Jstylezzz - 21.03.2013
You get this on the phpmyadmin page or on the Debug.txt file?
If it's on the Debug.txt file, post the code.
Re: Mysql creating tables -
MadafakaPro - 21.03.2013
Its on the phpmyadmin page
Re: Mysql creating tables -
LarzI - 21.03.2013
The floats don't need values, AFAIK.. I'm really no expert with SQL but try removing the values from all the Floats. Same with timestamps - I really don't think they need length/values, so if the problem still occurs, try removing the values from them too.
Disclaimer: I have just started to (try) using MySQL to store user data myself, so I have really no idea what causes this error
Re: Mysql creating tables -
MadafakaPro - 21.03.2013
That worked, thnaks larzi.
I made this but its still not showing the dialogs
pawn Код:
new rows = mysql_num_rows(); //We get how many rows the query returned.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"Account Registration", ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"This account has "#COL_EMB_RED"not been registered"#COL_EMB_WHITE"!\n\nEnter your desired password below to register this account.", "Submit", "Leave");
if(rows == 1)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"Account Authentication", ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"This account has "#COL_EMB_GREEN"been registered"#COL_EMB_WHITE"!\n\nEnter the account password below to proceed.", "Submit", "Leave");
Re: Mysql creating tables -
LarzI - 21.03.2013
Originally Posted by MadafakaPro
That worked, thnaks larzi.
Like I suspected - no problem.
Originally Posted by MadafakaPro
I made this but its still not showing the dialogs
pawn Код:
new rows = mysql_num_rows(); //We get how many rows the query returned. if(!rows) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"Account Registration", ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"This account has "#COL_EMB_RED"not been registered"#COL_EMB_WHITE"!\n\nEnter your desired password below to register this account.", "Submit", "Leave"); } if(rows == 1) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"Account Authentication", ""#COL_EMB_WHITE"This account has "#COL_EMB_GREEN"been registered"#COL_EMB_WHITE"!\n\nEnter the account password below to proceed.", "Submit", "Leave"); }
Where'd you put that? Inside OnQueryFinish? (presuming you're using R6)
Re: Mysql creating tables -
MadafakaPro - 21.03.2013
I am using R7 and i added this on OnPlayerConnect
Re: Mysql creating tables -
LarzI - 21.03.2013
If you're already using threaded queries (which is the only type R7 supports) I recommend updating to R15 as it adds a couple of extra features and fixed some bugs.
Now ontopic: You're using mysql_num_rows inside OnPlayerConnect. mysql_num_rows retrieves the number of rows from a result set after sending a SELECT or SHOW query. You'll need to send a SELECT query to check for the player in the table, then in the callback (which you specify) you can use cache_get_data to retrieve the data and check for rows. Here's an example gamemode using this method. I recommend reading it - it helped me a lot!
Send a SELECT query in OnPlayerConnect:
pawn Код:
szQuery[ 90 ]
format( szQuery, sizeof( szQuery ), "SELECT * from `your_table_here` WHERE `name` = '%s' LIMIT 1", Name( playerid ));
mysql_function_query( handle, szQuery, true, "OnUserCheck", "i", playerid );
Check rows in the specified callback (OnUserCheck):
pawn Код:
forward OnUserCheck(playerid);
public OnUserCheck(playerid)
cache_get_data( rows, fields, handle );
if( rows )
// exists - player should log in
// doesn't exist - player should register
return true;
And that's about it. Keep in mind that this is just a very very rough example.
You should read this tutorial: on using cache in R7 and newer
Re: Mysql creating tables -
Scenario - 21.03.2013
I love when people pull lines from my released GM's and say: "I made this, but..."
Why are you modifying the code from my GM? It worked perfectly where it was...
Re: Mysql creating tables -
MadafakaPro - 21.03.2013
@RealCop228 Its not working i tryed to enter IG a\but the dialog didnt show up
And i didnt sayd i made the script i sayd i made the tables...
I didnt tryed that i will try tommorow and tell u if it works.. Thanks anyways.
And here is what i did..