Server Lag


I asked here ( few months ago for this dedicated server hardware.
I have this Server now 20 days and i got few problems;

The Server is lagging, if 150 players or more are connected.
I dont know a reason, so i ask here.

(Lag: Some players have High ping, players see other twitch, delay on commands/text..)

Its not the script, on our old V-Server worked fine with 300 players.

Here are some screenshots about the server.
Only our SA:MP server is running on it, currently with 205 players.
(Dedicated Server from Hetzner, Germany, not a V-Server)

Script is coded fine, and MySQL is all threaded.
Database size: 240 MB, ~210000 accounts registered, account database is index`ed.


MySQL plugin R7
Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito
sscanf plugin 0.3d (server is using 0.3e, but this is not the problem)

Something doesn't add up, average upstream of 9.76MB/s? That's nearly 80mb/s!


That would be new for me, that 9.76MB/s are nearly 80mb/s.

The Server has 1GB network card and 100MB/s.

Oh never mind, I'm being stupid again.

When you say the ping times increase do you mean just ingame, or to the whole dedi?

The ping increases ingame for some players(not all).
But all players have desyncs and ingame lags, without high ping.

Thats only, if 150 or more players are connected.
On our old V-Server (GameServer) its work fine with 300 players.

resize string sizes,loops and you may have too many timers.

It could be two things.

Either someone with no life is trying to take you offline or you CPU is exceeding above normal processing.

Maybe your script contains many Objects or your server is many slots with many players and try to put less objects

in and less timers as they also occur similar problems as objects and you may also upgrade your VPS cause 1 GB is not

that good for a choice.

He mentioned in his post that it's not his script...
Anyways, something can be stressing out your server, are you running anything else then a SA:MP server?

I don't see how a SA:MP server can stress out a 100mbps port and an i7 core with only 150 players connected (100 players uses 4mbps upload)

Only our SA:MP is running on the server, and MySQL(for the SA:MP server).

I dont know how the new server can lag.

We Updated the network card 2 days before and restartet the server. Its still same problem.

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