Help on script

I am making a weapon filterscript . IDK why but it mess up with login for and registration one . when i press enter to get the weapon , it shows :

Your account has been succesfully registred .
And when i press the Cancel button , it says :
You must login to play !
Server closed the connection !

how to fix this? help please

Put different ids/names on the dialogs

Well , it is a seperated filterscript , so ..

Put it in the gamemode.. it is better i would say.. and then try it .. that's happened to me the same.. a filterscript and the gamemode and it shows random stuff. i put that filterscript into the gm .. done

Happens that, when you join the server ?

I am making it for sa-mp forum so , what i try to do something now .

Originally Posted by Private200
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I am making it for sa-mp forum so , what i try to do something now .
If you make something for sa-mp forum then try it on an empty gamemode..

If you want to create something for Forum, you should have some experience about scripting.

Yeah i have , but i don't know about this ... i got fixed that , but the problem i had all the time is that , when i try to open it , nothing happends . The codes are here

pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(response)// They pressed the first button.
    switch(dialogid)// If you only have one dialog, then this isn't required, but it's neater for when you implement more dialogs.
        case 500:// Our dialog!
            switch(listitem)// Checking which listitem was selected
               case 0:// The first item listed
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED,"You got a ShotGun Sawnoff for free");

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