Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws

Hi all, I'm making new wanted system, stars in textdraws on other position. I don't know how to delete and remove wanted level that are like in SinglePlayer. I want to remove them and make my own.
I want to remove stars like they are in this picture - /imageshack/img217/6159/nowanted.png


I think that you can't delete them. Only you can use your own function instade of SetPlayerWantedLevel.

If you're making your own wanted level system then what you can do is detect if a player got any wanted stars and then remove them.

If I create textdraw for example :

new Text:WantedLevelStars;
	WantedLevelStars = TextDrawCreate(599 ,115 , "*");
	TextDrawFont(WantedLevelStars , 3);
	TextDrawLetterSize(WantedLevelStars , 1, 7);
	TextDrawColor(WantedLevelStars , 0xe3ad42FF);
	TextDrawSetOutline(WantedLevelStars , false);
	TextDrawSetProportional(WantedLevelStars , true);
	TextDrawSetShadow(WantedLevelStars , 1);
Then make another five stars, so when someone for example type /wanted [ID] bla bla... "*" turns yellow. Is that possible ?

Stars turn yellow when you add wanted level to someone (SetPlayerWantedLevel). But you said you're making your own wanted level system right?

Yap. So just one more question. If you can see on this picture : On right there is a star - wanted level, I dont know what to type in my script like textdraw, what letter or symbol, can't figure it out. It's on the right side.

Forget it

Originally Posted by Saddin
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Yap. So just one more question. If you can see on this picture : *img* On right there is a star - wanted level, I dont know what to type in my script like textdraw, what letter or symbol, can't figure it out. It's on the right side.
It's ]
Only works with textdraw font 2.

Thanks, It works

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